Welcome back, my patient readers! I hope the world hasn’t changed too much over the past few months despite the constant bombardment of information that is pounding our senses endlessly from all directions and angles. Thinking back to the beginning of the COVID lockdowns in March of 2020 that gave me the inspiration to start this website, our country has changed a president, continued many of the COVID lockdown practices despite contradictory evidence showing that this pandemic is coming to an end, and watching our personal lives lose more freedom by the month. There have been so many things to write about and I intend to catch up on many societal topics that have drawn my interest over the past few months. Here are a few of the reasons for my online ‘disappearance’ over the past few months.
First, I had a job change at the end of January. I am working as an engineering designer (The next inevitable evolution of my amazingly complex career). It combines elements of all my previous experiences (television operation and engineering, telecommunication construction and project management) into something completely different. The job fits my personality perfectly. It is the accumulation of multiple points of knowledge and combining this information into projects that field operators can use for their daily work. Lots of research is involved as well as learning a new computer program that I am quickly mastering, AutoCAD. Second, I completed my Master’s Program at Arizona State University. The last two months required FIVE research papers of seven to ten pages of length with at least three to five references from previous educational publications. It was mentally exhausting to wrap this research around learning a new full-time occupation. Because of this new degree (Culture, Film and New Media Studies), I was able to get confirmation of actual “expertises” (Keep reading my content here at www.expertofsome.com where this information was updated on my ‘About’ page) that can be taught at high schools and junior colleges in the future. Teaching at the junior college level as a professor is my final intellectual pursuit as the need to spread my middle aged wisdom to the youth of our country has become a personal goal. Now that my blog is again active, there are hundreds of topics that can be discussed on these pages over the next few weeks. Here are a couple of ideas that will be published soon. With the idea of THE GREAT RESET being pushed by the World Economic Forum to the increasingly globalized reach of China’s authoritarian form of communism with capitalist inspirations to Bill Gates’ creepy influence on the World Health Organization and the push to get the entire globe inoculated against a disease that 99.74% of the world will survive if contracted, the world is changing at an unbelievably rapid pace in an authoritarian direction. Western governments are destroying freedoms and engaging in the sort of tyrannical behavior that they criticized the U.S.S.R and China for practicing over the past one hundred years. All these organizations involved in this push has a spokesperson that resembles a villain that you would see in a popular Hollywood action film or satire. Plus, with how rapidly the world is changing and the fact that the government is now admitting that UFOs exist (Probably as a media distraction technique as they push tools of control over every aspect of our lives), would it really surprise you if aliens turned out to be real at this point? If this is true, can we at least get Klaatu and his robot Gort to set us straight and threaten us with annihilation if we don’t embrace the idea of peace? There are no better aliens to invade us than the DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL ones. I hope to have this article written in the next month. Since baseball has started and the NCAA basketball tournament is complete (Congratulations Baylor Bears), sports has returned despite the lower ratings. I have been thinking about analyzing the reasons for this ratings change and discussing whether the professional sports leagues should embrace social and political activism. On my Home Page, there have been many changes. Please go through my recommendation sections and see what has been updated. I have become obsessed with Substack. This website has become a target of the mainstream media which is trying to destroy Substack in the same way that they did Parler back in January. So why would this be? Substack has become the home to many of my favorite liberal journalists who have left corporate institutions (Or been fired) and struck out on their own. It has been a great example that good independent journalists can gain a following while creating their own subscription models and content. Currently, I pay 50 dollars a year to subscribe to Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Tracey and follow Caitlin Johnstone for free. I also follow John Gennaro and his San Diego Padres channel. Substack has been mute about the social justice changes that many of the largest corporations in the world are promoting to take the political pressure off of their own societal crimes. This website deserves appreciation for being a place where extremely well-written independent content can be appreciated. Besides Substack, I also support Tom Luongo’s Gold, Goats N’ Guns through BAT (Basic Attention Crypto Tokens) and subscribed to David Stockman’s Contra Corner. Even though Zerohedge has also moved to a subscription model, the price of the subscription is a little too high for my personal tastes. I will analyze Substack and this new journalistic subscription model and how this is going to be the future of journalism. I also am pulling together articles from some of my Master’s classes to give my readers a clear understanding of what is occurring inside our decaying educational system. This is a topic that has escalated in urgency to me as these professors and universities are destroying our system of learning and turning students into social justice warriors for extreme left-wing causes. I hope to have this published over the next month with research articles defending my viewpoint on this topic. Finally, I want to show you some of the appreciation I got from fellow students that were inside the Master’s Program during my 20 months of participation in it. I often pushed back against the narrative that many of the professors were promoting and gained a tremendous amount of respect because of it. On my final post, many people gave me some incredibly inspirational well wishes that brought tears to my eyes. Here are a couple of them. I’ve enjoyed the classes we’ve shared and your perspective on business and technology in general – Babak Excellent post as always! I've loved reading your posts and hearing your perspectives. Good luck sir! Stay in touch! – Matthew As I have just started in this program and finishing up my second section of my first semester, I want to congratulate you on your hard work and completing the program. Thank you for the quote. It is something to ponder. As I think about things in this world, it is what we made it...therefore we can change it – Thomas Congratulations! I wish you the best with everything and hope you are able to teach some classes when the time arises! I, too, should be finishing up with just a few more classes and would love to be able to teach a couple English courses or Philosophy classes at a JC - Spencer Congrats on finishing up your program! Looking forward to seeing what you can accomplish from here on out! Be that voice that is missing, that trailblazer for our generation, go do that and we'll see what the future has to hold! - Stuart Five people who went out of their way to thank me for being that independent voice in class that did not go along with the narrative that many of the professors were promoting. Nothing has been more inspirational than having a little bit of an impact on these students’ lives. Even though we live in a culture that seems to be isolating ourselves from each other and fracturing along cultural lines, these words give me the inspiration to do my best to try to inspire people towards the idea of personal freedom and responsibility. I am going to do my part to continue to inspire as many students as possible away from our current destructive model.
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AuthorEXPERT OF SOME Archives
October 2024