Last week, Matt Taibbi on his website RACKET NEWS posted an in-depth article explaining a new government funded industry that should have every American enraged and concerned. Our government has a new Orwellian function, a censorship-industrial complex that is new to the American experience. Back during the early 2000s after the 09/11/01 terrorist attacks, the American people were exposed to the power of the military-industrial complex, ignoring the warning of Dwight Eisenhower over 40 years earlier, and went into multiple wars that the American people had no ability to stop. Than in 2020, the pharmaceutical-industrial complex reared its head after a virus that kills less than .01% of our population was released “accidentally” causing widespread economic chaos and cultural destruction leading to lockdowns that destroyed the education system and an epidemic of mental illness. The censorship industrial complex was exposed almost accidentally. Towards the end of 2021, Elon Musk bought Twitter. No matter how you feel about the Tesla and PayPal founder (And some of his decisions are highly questionable), his releasing of the “Twitter Files” has shown the American people two things.
So how did we get here? Well, one of the key factors that has been overlooked by a majority of the media is the presidency of Barack Obama. Looking past the historical aspects of his eight-year reign, Obama has had a much greater impact on the past six years of our lives than anyone could have previously thought. Obama changed the government. Before his election, the country was strongly divided among the corporations, elitists, and globalists on the best direction to take the United States into the future. The Obama presidency resolved this problem. Distracting us from the failed government policies and corporate greed that led to the Occupy Wall Street 99% movement that spun out of the 2007 Great Recession, a corporate movement was created to divide and isolate the population called “woke capitalism.” This helped to increase the public-private alignment of business and government which has descended our nation into a new political philosophy called corporatism (The proper definition of “Fascism”). Big Tech profits soared during the government issued lockdowns. After the vaccinations were created and made “mandatory” for some, Big Pharma made record pools of money. The direct impact of government policy was minting record profits for the biggest and most influential businesses while the average American citizen was helpless in stopping it. Hollywood, the Media (With Obama bringing the press in line by arresting a record number of journalists), Academia, and Big Tech all became the foundation of this new government-corporate propaganda engine. And now, we find ourselves living inside the United States of Business, One Nation Under the Dollar, committed to corporate profits at the expense of the American people. The above graph is complicated. But there is a couple of things to take away from this political/corporate/government/organizational alignment that actually exposes its inherent weakness and is likely the reason why decades of trying to create an authoritarian governmental system inside the United States has failed through the majority of the last Century. You will notice that most of these Academic Initiatives, Think Tanks, and Fact Checking Organizations are funded by the same people. Here are a select few of the organizations, foundations and businesses that are using their money and influence to help create these tools of oppression. It is a much shorter list than you would think. Craig Newmark – Founder of CRAIGSLIST and the non-profit CRAIG NEWMARK PHILANTHROPIES. The Rockefeller Foundation – One of the oldest foundations on the planet. The National Science Foundation The Ford Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – Nothing more needs to be said about this. The Knight Foundation The Ad Council – An important propaganda part of this machine. Wikipedia – An open-source online encyclopedia that seems to issue facts about topics based on the underlying political narrative. The Annenberg Public Policy Center – A prime example of the money and influence that has been put onto academia to push the agenda these foundations want to promote. The Aspen Institute – Like Annenberg above, this is the best example of a Think Tank being flooded with money so the intellectuals behind the institute can create ideas on how to implement the goals of these foundations. Finally, Fact Checkers like the Trusted News Initiative out of the BBC are an important piece of this new industry. These Fact Checking Organizations manipulate factual information. The best example to date is the lies about the “effectiveness” of the COVID-19 vaccines. These fact checkers are the bulldogs of the internet attacking any information that runs counter to the narrative that they support. Finally, I want to mention three more key organizations to show once and for all how the Democrats and Republicans are only controlled oppositional parties that act as puppets for these politically motivated foundations, organizations, NGOs, and Think Tanks listed above. Democrats hate The Charles Koch Foundation. Yet, their money is very much involved in the censorship industrial complex. On the Republican side, they fixate on George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Like the Kochs who lean conservative, Soros is an old left-wing authoritarian who gives his money to many of the same organizations as the Koch’s. More proof that God has a hilarious sense of humor. Finally, there is Pierre Omidyar and his OMIDYAR NETWORK. Omidyar is the founder of THE INTERCEPT, a news website that was founded to restore ethics and integrity to the journalism profession. Instead, it spiraled into a politically biased website that led to its founder Glenn Greenwald fleeing to Substack. Omidyar now puts most of his attention and money into fighting “disinformation” and bringing about “equity.” These are the people that we are up against. As you can see, this is not an unwinnable battle. If the American people can learn to take this threat to their rights seriously and stop allowing themselves to be divided up into politically opposed groups, this censorship industrial complex can disappear overnight. Taibbi and his staff deserve a ton of credit for bringing this to the world’s attention. So what are we going to do about it?
One of the biggest “shocks” in the media environment occurred ten days ago when Tucker Carlson was surprisingly fired from FOX NEWS despite having the largest cable news audience by an exponential amount. Upon the dismissal, the ratings for FOX NEWS due to boycotts and the fact that their programming is garbage has cratered. The Fox Corporation stock price has slid over 5% costing the company close to a billion dollars. This surprising action has left many confused viewers wondering, why would FOX and the Murdochs engage in an action that fundamentally impacts their bottom line? The problem with this question is that most people in our society continue to think about cause and effect from a financial perspective. While the lack of audience and the abandonment of advertising often explains most terminations (Looking at you Brian Stelter), the termination of Tucker Carlson does not fall into this category. Understanding this, the people of the United States have to ask themselves some uncomfortable questions. Why did Tucker get fired? In this post, I am going to analyze this question by examining my own experience in the media over the past 20 years. I am going to post and explain a few key articles in our recent history that may explain what happened, and finally, I will voice my opinion on what I believe happened.
My media career started back in early 2001 with Swank Audio Visuals (RIP). I also worked at KOCE-PBS in Orange County on the side before moving over to KESQ-ABC in Palm Springs in 2002. My Bachelor’s Degree in college was for Television and Film. Two years of training and making myself employable by working around the edges of Hollywood and gaining the experience necessary finally got me the full-time job I always had wanted. Like anyone starting a career, my mind was filled with delusions of grandeur. I was going to be the next Walter Cronkite or Seymour Hersh. It does not take any intelligent person very long to understand that this is likely never going to happen. You quickly realize a few things about television news. First, it works like a machine. Every part is interchangeable. News is constant and never-ending and the amount of information that flows into the pipeline is often overwhelming to analyze. Second, the information that reaches your news desk is much more controlled and filtered than I ever could have imagined. It did not take me long to start becoming suspicious. My suspicions were confirmed in 2002 and 2003 during the buildup to the Iraq War. Judith Miller Yellowcake in Niger Weapons of Mass Destruction All lies. All lies that got us into a ridiculous and pointless war. Were there voices speaking out about these lies? Absolutely. One of my favorite resources was and the late Justin Raimondo who was pointing out the political lies three days a week. Back then, there was actually an oppositional liberal media at websites like Huffington Post, radio stations like Air America, Michael Moore documentaries, and libertarian websites like But, what was disturbing is that despite the contradictory information being provided by alternative media outlets, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX all seemed to be marching in full lockstep with the politicians and military interests. Throwing in the large journalistic outlets like THE NEW YORK TIMES and THE WASHINGTON POST, it almost seemed like they wanted this war, damn the consequences. After leaving KESQ-ABC and moving over to DISH Network, I continued to monitor the media but on a much larger scale. At this job, thousands of domestic and international channels were at my disposal. This did not improve things. After a while, you begin to realize how repetitive so many of these newscasts are and how the same information seems to be discussed in every single one. Was I a conspiracy theorist? NOPE. No matter the market, the attractive individual posing as an unwitting propagandist spouted the same nonsense during every broadcast. This does not even include the undisclosed sponsored segments that a sharp eyed engineer could notice if he watched enough networks. These insidious news segments are not declared as “sponsored” and usually promote a product, a business, or is a public relations spot explaining something terrible that has happened to the business and how they are going to “improve their product/services” for the good of the country. During this period of time, the few remaining decent journalists we had left began revealing information about what was occurring inside the United States. Dana Priest’s TOP SECRET AMERICA is a must read/watch that explains the incredible growth of the government framed around the argument for “National Security.” (This mostly happened during the Bush/Cheney Years). Then, once the floodgates began to open up, you start to realize that it maybe even worse than you ever imagined. Not too long after this, Obama began his war on the media. To this day, all the presidents combined have not arrested as many journalists as the “Chosen One” had. Then, the censorship of content began. It started with the controversial Alex Jones and has only exploded from there. Digging even deeper, you start to find out more uncomfortable facts. Defense Contractors on Cable News Promoting War: YES CIA infiltrating every media organization and controlling the content: YES The recently released Twitter Files showing that the government requested and helped these social media platforms censor content that went against their narrative (CENSORSHIP INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX): YES The once oppositional liberal media establishment fully working as propagandists for the permanent government: YES (The Trump presidency led to this development). So knowing all this, how did Tucker survive as oppositional media voices were systematically being removed? Well, Tucker talked about all the important issues, events, and political decisions that impacted the American people while the mainstream media continued its fixation on Donald Trump, our brainless Hollywood celebrities, and Russia. Despite the fact that our leaders think we are morons, the American people swallowed this up and Tucker’s rating exploded exponentially. He talked to his viewers like they were free-thinking and complex individuals. Tucker succeeded because as an individual, he actually evolved as an individual from a pro-war neo-conservative during the Iraq War to a more conservative anti-war nationalist. Because he came out of the mainstream, this allowed him some breathing room. He was the only person that explained and understood why Donald Trump was popular, why the Ukraine War is corrupt, why the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccines may not have worked as advertised, while also giving a voice to the alternative journalists that were kicked out of the mainstream during the Obama years by the liberal press. People like Glenn Greenwald, Ron Paul, Matt Taibbi, ex-Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., and many others who had been quarantined to the darkest corners of the internet. These crimes are the main reason for his dismissal. Because whether we want to believe it or not, there is a cabal of globalists that want to control the United States and a large portion of the world. Sacrificing a few billion dollars is nothing when it involves the decades long effort to control as much of humanity as they physically can. That is what really happened here. This is also why the loss of Tucker could be one of the most important things to happen in the journalism industry for the next couple of decades. Because the people in control are sending the American people a message. We control your content and there is nothing you can do about it. So what is the endgame here? To me, this is very simple. Every slide into authoritarianism by the entitled class inevitably fails. Our concern should be how long we are going to have to live under these authoritarian diktats. Since Biden took the oath of office in 2021, the amount of freedom that has been lost is immeasurable. With this radical and swift push into an unknown globalist economic and social system which awaits us around the corner, how many generations will it take for the American people to wake up and understand what is happening to them? That is the true tragedy here. The firing of Tucker Carlson means that the mainstream media has been captured. It is under the control of media organizations and corporations that do not have your best interests at heart. We have reached the authoritarian propaganda phase of the American experiment. The education system, the technological sector, our entertainment companies, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex are already there. Now, the mass media has joined them. May God have mercy on our souls! |
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October 2024