While we have been trapped in our homes watching weirdly bizarre NBA & NHL playoff games with digital crowds and automated noises or binging our latest discovery on Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBO Max, this COVID 19 pandemic has become the opportunity needed for corporations and billionaires to begin the institution of their “plan” for the globe. Knowing through their arrogance that they are smarter, wiser and just morally better people, they have released their idea for our planet that will leave most of us living the green energy “utopian” dream while they maintain their control over the economy through increased socialistic governance and technology. Twenty years ago, an idea like this was a conspiracy. It was rumors spoken in hallways and parking lots throughout the world. But now that the World Economic Forum has released “The Great Reset” plan, the path to hell is being paved with good intentions. This is the convoluted plan that is in the process of being implemented by our globalist elites and being helped along by their allies on the left throughout the world. As explained by Professor Klaus Schwab in this article (Please read the entire article for his speech), “To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.” Based on this comment above, there is no opting out. This “Great Reset” is mandatory participation. Like all ideas, there is plenty of things to like. Who can oppose the idea of ‘Restoring the Health of the Environment’ or ‘Developing Sustainable Business Models?’ Behind every attempt at gaining power, you can always find a point of agreement. Inside the two topics which brings about this positive feedback, there are a couple of categories which make me hesitate. What is ‘Environment and National Resources Security?’ Is this what our military will be doing in the future, protecting our resources at the point of a gun? What the hell does the ‘Future of Food’ mean? No explanation is given. What is the intention behind the term ‘Redesign the Social Contract Skills and Jobs.’ What this tells me is that the globalists have every intention of eliminating specific careers that many people rely on for their own survival. Other things which seem like tools of control are the terms ‘Agile Governance’, ‘International Security’, and ‘Global Health.’ All of these things will likely require some aspect of repression and tyranny to implement. Under ‘Revitalizing Global Cooperation’, you find topics like ‘Geo-Economics’, ‘Financial and Monetary Systems’ and my personal favorite, ‘Global Governance.’ This is a complete overhaul of each of our individual countries into a global system controlled by wealthy elites that will enable a European Union type of socialism for the entire globe. It sounds good in theory. But how much freedom will you have to sacrifice to become part of this system? Will you be able to innovate? What elements of life are going to become mandatory? Under ‘Shaping the Economic Recovery’, women will finally have equal pay because ‘Gender Parity’ is listed and will probably be enforced by law. ‘Civic Participation’ and ‘Human Rights’ are listed. Especially with the former, I am guessing that everyone will be encouraged to do some aspect of charity for their fellow “comrades.” It gets much worse when you go into the category titled ‘Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution.’ The tools of control and monitoring the population exist here. ‘Drones’ are listed as well as ‘Artificial Intelligence and Robotics’ which have disturbing sub-categories under them This will become the enforcement arm of this “Great Reset” and the foundation of why the ‘defunding’ the police narrative has taken off across the world. ‘Blockchain’ is listed. If you do not know, a blockchain allows every financial transaction to be tracked around the entire world (For those not invested in cryptocurrency). ‘Internet Governance’ is mentioned meaning some aspect of control over the content online (A process that is already beginning) as well as the most insidious of these ‘Digital Identity.’ The last one will be the tool that eliminates your freedom once and for all and will likely be used to frame or control your behavior in case your free will gets out of line. Inside these categories, you will also find other things we are already experiencing like ‘Big Data’, ‘Machine Learning’ and ‘The Internet of Things.’ A great summary of this whole plan can be read here. Since this was recently brought to my attention, I am not an expert on the details of this plan. Many corporate and governmental leaders speak about ‘The Great Reset’ with vague corporate lingo and a lack of attention to the greater details. I don’t want to influence your own research and the opinion you may have. But from my point of view, the idea of ‘global and internet governance’ is a terrible idea. Because when it comes to government, like almost everything in life, the most effective form of this entity is at a local level. As you increase the size (State, National, Continental, Global) and embrace the idea of higher taxes for everyone in a socialistic system, the ability to protest inequity becomes even more difficult, your personal freedom no longer means anything, and the mobility which makes living a life of freedom so intriguing becomes an antiquated idea. Global governance at the hands of the wealthiest corporate and governmental leaders will be the tool that destroys this planet once and for all and enslaves you into a Noble/Serf Middle Ages type lifestyle with Administrators (Like Clerics in the Middle Ages) maintaining the control over the population. I hope that my opinion is misguided. There are other people who feel the same way. Read here and here. Also, watch this video from a journalist named Michael Matt. You do not have to agree with him on everything. But he gives a wonderful explanation as to why ‘Trump’ is perceived as a global threat. As the famous proverb says, “May you live in interesting times.” With our elites taking advantage of a global pandemic to destroy the American economy with their puppets while unleashing Marxist rioters all over the country to commit acts of vandalism and violence, it should be apparent that these individuals will STOP AT NOTHING to achieve their global domination goals. There is still time to stop this. But if we continue down this path of division, there will be no hope in stopping the implementation of “The Great Reset.”
All of the stuff mentioned today leads into my post for next week revolving around The World Economic Forum’s June 2020 Great Reset forum which you can read via the links attached. Since this COVID 19 outbreak started back in March, the global elites have finally come out of hiding and exposed themselves and their motivations for our world. Whether you agree or disagree with them is not the point of this post. But if more people become aware of what the richest people in the world have planned, we can decide whether we support this agenda on an individual national, political, and cultural basis.
One of the things I want to clarify with this blog is my personal opinion on what is presently occurring in the United States of America in 2020. I have chosen to stay quiet revolving around the government’s response to this pandemic instead focusing on other important cultural topics like science and education. This blog will hopefully give some clarification on my personal opinion and where I stand on Trump, our government, and other related issues. But first, let’s go back in history a little bit. For this analysis, it is necessary to understand the importance of the 1980s. I have jokingly told my children that the freest time of my life was during my childhood. Ronald Reagan was president, cocaine was freely available (And paying for the Contras), new wave music was king, and John Hughes films were all the rage. But during this time of horrible Sylvester Stallone films, very colorful workout clothes and a president who was a perfect puppet for business interests, we entered an era of corporate consolidation that exploded to envelope the entertainment industry and media in the 1990s and has continued with healthcare, the 21st Century tech companies and banks. When the banks were in the process of failing in the late 2000s, our country legalized socialism for the rich (“Too Big to Fail”) and completed the process of corporate power being the dominant ideology of our world. THIS is what the American people should be focused on understanding and changing. But through these same corporate entities that control information (Technology and the Media), the American people continue to be at each other’s throats even though many people of different political ideologies actually have much more in common than they think. Right now, the division between people who identify as liberal and conservative has never been wider. As a libertarian, I am completely disgusted with both sides. But unless we wake up to understand our common enemy, this confusion is going to continue. I am going to use an X/Y axis to explain my point. On the X axis, everything left of center will be called ‘liberal’. Everything right of center will be ‘conservative.’ At the top of the Y axis will be the word ‘freedom.’ This is a symbol for living a life with complete freedom, common laws, and proper civil arbitration. At the bottom of the Y axis is ‘tyranny.’ This is a system that violates our rights usually through the use of government and creates a system with no upward mobility and causes its citizens to live under a cloud of fear. The term ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ are thrown at each other like insults in our present-day culture. But how many people who self-identify with one side have any understanding of the other? Inside each political ideology, there is incredible diversity of thought. Conservatives fall into three main categories: Libertarians that have a huge amount of respect towards personal freedom and honoring the Constitution (Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, John Stossel), Nationalists who are interested in preserving American values and culture before anything else (Donald Trump, Dan Bongino) and the worst of the conservatives, the Neo-Conservatives who are interested in maintaining our empire, fighting wars all over the globe, and bringing ‘democracy’ to the world (Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Bill Kristol). It is especially important for liberals to understand these distinctions. The group that has created the evilest, rights abusing legislation in this country while bogging us down in war are the neo-conservatives best represented by the Bush Jr. Administration from 2001 – 2009 with elements also represented on a smaller scale in the Bush Sr. 1989 – 1993 and Ronald Reagan Administrations 1981 – 1989. Their actions have helped create the military industrial complex which spends more money than any other government agency by a huge amount. Liberals also can be defined through three main categories: The “Classic” Liberal left that respects personal and civil rights, is proudly anti-war, and questions the government when it is exposed of wrongdoing. People in this category are represented by individuals like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Tulsi Gabbard. The next category is the Neo-Liberals which focuses more on government programs while helping to maintain the United States global elite status. The Neo-Liberals are best exemplified by the Clinton Family, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and almost everyone on MSNBC and CNN. The final category is the outlier, the socialist left. These individuals focus on equality issues, government spending and taxation and increasing government power as a check on corporations. This entity is growing at a tremendous rate and best shown by people like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Unfortunately for the left (Just like the Right did until 2016), Democrats have only been electing people from the neo-liberal category since the 1990s (Bill Clinton 1993 – 2001 and Barack Obama 2009 – 2017). Neo-liberals oppose the neo-conservatives on a few matters (Like torture) but they both act as two peas in a pod. The neo-conservatives focus on global power and corporate growth while the neo-liberals hand out a few pennies to the people while supporting tech companies that have created the greatest surveillance tools mankind has ever seen and shaping legislation that usually ends up helping corporations become even bigger and more politically powerful (See the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and ObamaCare as the best examples of this). It is important to understand the goals of the globalists and organizations like the Atlantic Council, The World Economic Forum and events like Davos. They have a specific ideology related to green energy, population control (Social and Birth), Age extending technologies for them and controversial vaccines for the rest of us mixed in with tyrannical control over our lives via technology and the creation of a socialist global economy where they can preserve themselves from the destructive aspects of capitalism and remain in control over the entire globe. The globalists have borrowed from multiple entities to accomplish this. They use the United States military if a rogue country gets out of line. They prefer a governmental structure like the European Union to control the money while giving just enough to the plebeians, so they don’t riot. Finally, they love the tyrannical control that the Chinese have instituted over its population. All three elements combined will allow them to create the global government that will control all of us in the future. This is what I call THE RADICAL CENTER or Authoritarian Center. If you create a circle that represents the radical center, using a scale of 1-100 on my X/Y axis, you will start at 20 on the freedom side of the Y axis and circle at around 80 on the liberal side and 70 on the conservative side while stretching all the way down to 90 on the tyranny side. All the neo-conservatives and neo-liberals are inside the bubble. Many people from the other four groups are also present but also have very notable outliers. All media is located inside this bubble. Almost every corporation is also. The bubble is constricting and moving further towards the left and receding on the right (Will discuss this next week). The weapons manufacturers are on the right side of the Y axis but inside the bubble. The tech companies are on the far left of the Y axis but also still inside this bubble. Even though elements of this bubble may disagree, they will unite for what they believe is the greater good (See the censoring of conservative and outlier liberal commentators on the major social media companies as proof). So, what has happened to the liberal and conservative movements? Well, back in the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced something called the Third Way. Its main purpose was to de-radicalize the left and move liberals towards a more centrist position. This was something that Bill Clinton himself embraced. The liberal elements that fought for important issues like free speech, war prevention and important social issues was muted and slowly eliminated. Websites like THE HUFFINGTON POST used their influence to also pull many liberals into this new direction. Even though elements of the old 20th Century liberalism still remains, that movement has been virtually eliminated in Congress. Since Bill Clinton, the Democrats have not nominated someone outside of this neo-liberal group and had to engage in some shenanigans this election cycle to get senile Joe Biden through. The left is undergoing an internal revolution which is radicalizing the party in the socialist direction. What many of these new ‘hopeful’ socialists don’t realize is that the globalists will support you only until you accomplish their goals. Once this is done, you will become the enemy just like the Nationalists are on the Republican side. But as of our present day, the liberal movement is still strongly controlled by its neo-liberal wing. For the conservatives, the story is different. There was still a strong old school Goldwaterian conservatism in the Republican Party mixed with Nationalist elements throughout the Clinton administration. The change occurred when Bush Jr. was elected and 9/11/2001 happened. Cheney and his buddies inside the government began a purge of all these conservative elements and took control of the party for the neo-conservative point of view. But during the 2008 election, something happened. A libertarian uprising that was later captured by stronger right wing elements called the Tea Party. Despite the liberal bashing of this movement, the Tea Party actually has de-radicalized the party and moved it into a more nationalistic and patriotic direction. This became clearest during the primaries in 2016 when every establishment neo-conservative was soundly rejected in the primaries. The Republican right had begun its transformation into an anti-globalist political party (Even though many elements of the neo-conservative revolution still remain like parasites). If my conservative brethren want to know why they are being targeted, censored, and black listed, this is why. The globalists will not allow a diversion to their plan of domination. Because of this, conservatives will continue to be censored, fired, and now beaten (Thank You BLM for this) for rejecting these beliefs. Can you imagine what the globalists will do to this country if we choose to re-elect Trump (After the economic collapse, lockdowns, faulty prosecutions, media bias and riots)? So, you may be asking yourself, “Hey Expertof Some, where does Donald Trump stand in all of this? Isn’t he one of them?” The answer is mostly NO but there are exceptions to this rule. The “neos” of both parties have specific beliefs. Trump has taken a few of their ideas like warmongering against Iran, giving ridiculous tax cuts while not reducing the equivalent amount of spending, using Executive Orders for political gain, and fully embracing the lunatic financial philosophy of the Federal Reserve. “So why does the media hate him so much?” Because behind the narcissistic personality and bloviating speeches, Trump has done some actions which have actually been beneficial to the American people and not the world conquering globalists. That is why every action he engages is met with vitriol throughout the entire population. Trump has accomplished prison reform, the elimination of the globalist TPP bill, the elimination of the globalist Paris Accords for green energy, he signed an executive order to open up competition for prices on pharmaceuticals which was banned inside ObamaCare and is trying to end the wars overseas and getting his greatest resistance from inside his own party (Except when it comes to Iran). Whether you think he is evil or not, Trump marches to his own drummer. This inability to control him is what our globalists despise (Just like Boris Johnson). He maybe the necessary evil if we are interested in destroying this planned autocracy. I prefer to live under the rules of the country in which I was born than some global tyrannical system where my democratic rights are just an illusion. Trump may actually be the lesser of two evils. Who would have thought? In 2019, Hong Kong actor Donnie Yen (Iron Monkey films, Star Wars: Rogue One) returned to the character that made him an international star, Master IP Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee. This time, Master IP finds out that he has terminal cancer shortly after his wife dies. He is also confronted with a rebellious son who has no interest in studying at school and just got expelled. So what does he do? Master IP goes to 'racist' San Francisco to look for educational opportunities for his son. So, is this movie worth your nearly two hours of time on Netflix?
Looking back at the first IP Man that came out in 2008, this third sequel really shows how much Hong Kong films have changed over this past decade. The first film was a slow burn revolving around the Japanese occupation of China during World War II and the brutality the Chinese people endured. Since this movie was based around actual history, it was an incredibly good movie. Due to the film’s international success, Hong Kong did what American filmmakers have been doing for forty years (Who says globalization doesn’t work?). They turned IP Man into a franchise. The second movie was decent until the plot of Rocky 4 became the story and IP Man had to show the racist and brutal American Taylor “The Twister” Miller who was the greatest fighter in the world. IP Man 3 brought me back into the franchise with a more laid back and comical plot mixed in with a memorable fight scene with legendary boxer Mike Tyson (Which ends with mutual respect in a draw. Something Tyson wishes he could have gotten against Evander Holyfield.) Over five years later, we get the conclusion to the franchise. IP Man 4 is a train wreck almost from the start. Donnie Yen, who has had a distinguished martial arts acting career for over 30 years as well as being a fight choreographer on multiple films, looked like he cashed the paycheck before filming began. His emotions are subdued, and he often just wanders from one martial arts set piece to another. To bring about a good comparison to this movie, just load up any Sylvester Stallone or Chuck Norris film from the 1980s/1990s and bring in a Soviet Russian/Middle Eastern Arab/South American or Colombian drug lord/villain that needs to be punched in the face or killed and you get a good idea of where this movie is heading. But because we live in a time of globalization, the villain this time is the United States and its racist past best exemplified by Marine Gunnery Sergeant Barton Geddes. Is this film Chinese propaganda? Absolutely. Just like all those American action movies in the 20th Century were All the American characters are one dimensional, usually evil, with no emotional arcs. Every Chinese character is complex and working to just celebrate their culture in the United States until the horrible white people intervene. The movie constantly reinforces the idea of a “United China” throughout the movie. The great thing about globalization is that we can now have other countries make equally terrible action movies with the United States as the villain. No matter how you feel about this, I have the same horrible instinctual irritated feeling about this film as I did for Rambo 2: First Blood II and its portrayal of the Vietnamese. More than anything though, I have been terribly disappointed in recent Chinese films. While South Korea is killing it with their movies over the past decade and Japan is undergoing a resurgence, the quality of the Chinese and Hong Kong films has significantly declined over the past decade. For a person who grew up loving films by Wong Kar-Wai, Zhang Yimou and the amazingly funny Stephen Chow as well as Taiwanese director Ang Lee and my first obsession, Gong Li, I am incredibly disappointed with the abandonment of art for entertainment going on in Chinese cinema. If I want to watch horrible action movies, all I need to do is engage with the Fast and the Furious franchise. It is incredibly disappointing that mainstream Chinese cinema has chosen to go this direction (At least from what we are mostly allowed to see in the United States). The unique Hong Kong style seems to have been abandoned during this time when China is becoming a global power. Let us hope they can restore the amazing film experiences of my youth with their innovative storytelling, original fight scenes and incredible acting. Because if they keep butchering inspired novels like The Three Body Problem with a terribly bad adaptation called The Wandering Earth, I will move onto one of the hundreds of amazingly cinematic television shows (Like most of the world's population has done). With the intriguing ending to the first golf major title, the PGA Championship, giving us a new major winner in 23 year old Collin Morikawa, sports officially feels like it has returned. This article will break down each sport's return so far and evaluate how the return of these American pastimes has made dealing with COVID – 19 a little easier to handle personally.
The professional female Tennis league, the WTA, was the first league to return. Fiona Ferro from France defeated Estonian Annett Kontaveit for the first title since the league suspended back in March. The professional tennis leagues did get one major completed as the Australian was played in January and won by male player Novak Djokovic and on the female side, American Sofia Kenin. The ATP is due to start this week. The US Open will go on like scheduled but with no audience and the players participating in the tournament being forced into a “safety bubble.” The PGA tour has been back since early June with the PGA Championship being the first major completed on the season this past weekend. The US Open and the Masters will happen later on in the season. Since golf is definitely a more solitary game, the crowd less tournaments have mostly been going off without any issues. Professional soccer has returned throughout the world including the highly competitive Premier League and the UEFA Champion’s League which will be moving into its Quarterfinal round shortly. In the United States MLS league, the shortened World Cup group format has created a surprising finalist in Orlando City FC who has never made the MLS playoffs in five seasons (Their best previous conference finish was 7th) and will play for the MLS title tomorrow against the Portland Timbers, the two time finalists (2015, 2018) and one time champion (2015). Their story is also a surprise as they slid into the playoffs last year as the sixth seed and were quickly dispatched. But as an organization, they have been extremely consistent since their inception in 2009. The question everyone should be asking, if Portland wins, will ANTIFA crash the parade downtown? For Orlando, they will bring the first major sports championship to the city if they pull off this Cinderella season (The NBA’s Orlando Magic has lost both times they made the Finals in 1995 & 2009). Now we get to the MLB. I know these teams are probably making money on these fan created cardboard cutouts. But after watching a few games on television with these monstrosities, there really is nothing a major sporting league has done that could be creepier. It feels like I am playing Madden 20 on my Xbox with the weird digital representations of the crowd followed by the fake crowd noise. If the MLB wanted to simulate their MLB: The Show video game for Sony, they have done a great job doing it in the most unsettling way possible. In terms of the standings, the MLB players did vote to extend the postseason to 16 teams with a 3-game wild card round for every team. Because of a few COVID outbreaks, there is one team, the St. Louis Cardinals that has only played five games while the San Francisco Giants have played 18. All the teams that were expected to do well, the Los Angeles Dodgers, Minnesota Twins, New York Yankees, Chicago Cubs, and Atlanta Braves are near the top or winning their divisions. The surprises are the Oakland Athletics, Miami Marlins (Who have played only 10 games due to COVID) and Colorado Rockies who have played exceptionally well despite not expecting to be more than mediocre this season. PERSONAL BIAS ALERT: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have been horribly disappointing. Other than Oakland, the AL West has largely underperformed (Minus the Seattle Mariners who are just terrible). With the expanded playoffs, I expected the Angels to slide in comfortably to the 6 or 7 seed. Unless they can find some consistency, this shortened season is going to be a disappointment. The San Diego Padres have been a revelation. With their full rebuild, I expected the Padres to compete in 2021. But their pitching has been above average, and Fernando Tatis Jr. is becoming the star everyone was expecting (And will likely be traded to the Dodgers in 2024). They are in third place behind the Rockies and the elite Dodgers but would qualify as the 6th seed in the playoffs being the team with the worst winning record in the National League (9 teams are currently sporting losing records in the NL). Let us hope they can break their fourteen-year playoff drought this season even if they get destroyed by the Atlanta Braves in the playoffs. The NBA has been interesting as some teams have adapted to the bubble play better than others. The Pacers, Raptors and Phoenix Suns have excelled since play returned with Phoenix being the only undefeated team in the bubble since play returned. With bubble play coming to an end on Friday, the 32-39 Orlando Magic is up 7.5 games on the Washington Wizards and will avoid the play-in game meaning that the Eastern Conference is set for the playoffs minus some seeding changes. Milwaukee will be the 1, Toronto the 2, and Boston the 3. The Brooklyn Nets will be the 7 with Orlando clinching the 8. The 4 – 6 seeds, Miami, Indiana, and Philadelphia are still jockeying for their seeds. The Western Conference is more chaotic. The New Orleans Pelicans did not play well in the bubble and are eliminated. There are currently four teams within a game of the 8 seed meaning that the 8 – 9 playoff game is a virtual certainty in the West. Other than that, the top 7 seeds have all clinched their spots. The Los Angeles Lakers will be the 1 seed and the Clippers will be the 2. The 3 seed Denver Nuggets and 4 seed Houston Rockets are still jockeying for position. The 5 -7 seeds, Oklahoma City Thunder, Utah Jazz and Dallas Mavericks still can adjust their current seeding positions. The NBA playoffs will kick off next week. This leaves us with the NHL. Starting tomorrow, the 16 team playoff begins with four games on the NBC Sports Network after the qualifying round advanced two #12 seeds and a #11 (Montreal and Chicago as the #12s and Arizona a #11 who knocked out Pittsburgh, Edmonton, and Nashville). Since both my NHL teams were terribly pathetic and it will be the first time I can remember that no California teams will be participating in the playoffs (3 of the 7 teams who failed to qualify are from California), this will be a fun playoff tournament where there will be no rooting interest on my part (The closest team to me is the Las Vegas Golden Knights who I simply will not cheer for). Welcome back NHL to summer hockey! I hope this primer was good for you. Four of our five major professional sports are back (Even though the MLS ends tomorrow with the Orlando – Portland title match) and it feels so good to be able to vegetate on my couch with a nice cold lager in my hand and watching professional sports again. You never know what your life is missing until it is gone. There is only so many times you can talk to your wife or converse with your kids before you get that urge to escape. Thankfully, the escape mechanism is back. After engaging in historical studies on ‘happy’ topics like anarchism, revolution, and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, my brain needs a break. There is only so much reading and research that you can do before your brain starts telling you, “Hey asshole, can you give me a break?”
Last month, I posted an update on five social media applications and websites that are alternatives to the Facebook empire. As the tech industry has exploded profit wise, the importance of growing alternate voices outside of these increasingly gigantic monopolistic companies (Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft) is becoming an urgent matter. So where do these now seven social media websites stand after a month of usage? Let me start with the negative reviews. LIBERTY SOCIETY – This was a horrible disappointment. Being cast as a website that promotes ideals of freedom, anarchism and libertarianism, the community is virtually non-existent. Once a day, I would get an update telling me about a podcast I needed to listen to. That was about all that ever happened here. The website looks like it was made in the early 90s. It was unfortunate because this is an interesting niche that could lead to a massive number of followers. I decided to terminate my account a few weeks after I started it. SPREELY – This was promoted as a social media site that would fix the problems that revolve around Facebook, namely the censorship and account banning that the platform is becoming known. Again, the website design is wonderful. It makes you feel like an active community has created a vibrant website for sharing information and news. Unfortunately, I barely saw any activity on this website. The website has an additional problem where only a few voices seem to dominate the platform. I decided to terminate my account on this after just a week. GAB – I want to love this site. I really do. But the anger caused by the censorship tactics of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and the rest of these massive conglomerates mixed with the toxic personalities on this website that likely ended up here because of that behavior makes Gab difficult to navigate. Like you are seeing in the streets of the Pacific Northwest, there is a lot of anger out there. If you want to see the right-wing side of it, just use this website for a few days. There was one site I mentioned that has not been reviewed yet. MINDS – I hope to get to this soon. Due to my incredibly busy schedule, it is difficult to shuffle multiple social media websites. I probably align more with this from a moral perspective than any other. The prospect of getting paid in crypto for submitting my work is appealing. There just isn’t enough time in the day to work 40 hours a week, home school your 9 year old, go for your Master’s Degree, maintain a blog, and try to catch up on the television show Yellowstone while living your life online. I will update this blog when my MINDS profile is created. Now, the posts on the positive sides of the alternative social media platforms SLOWLY – This one came back to me recently. Due to an internal server error at the company, my account got deleted back in 2018. If you are interested in writing and meeting anonymized pen pals from around the world, this website is quite appealing. I heard they recently created a monthly subscription plan. If I begin using this website again, I hope that their servers are stabilized. If my profile becomes active, I will post it here via an update. PARLER – This has become the right-wing social media website like Gab. They will censor certain behaviors like their more well-known brethren. Despite this, I have gotten more readership from this social media site than any other. There are some interesting news outlets that post on my feed like Zerohedge.com. The website is overwhelmingly right wing. As a person who reads literature from every side of the political spectrum, I do find a lot of interesting news in my feed every day. Because of this, Parler does get a thumbs up from me. If they just eliminated the censorship (Since many left wingers come onto this website to troll), this website could become a true defender of free speech as much of the information posted here does hold up on the factual end. Be confident that you can defend your point of view and don’t resort to censorship like Twitter. MEWE – I love this site. Mainly for two reasons. First, I can confirm that they do not track you with third party cookies, fingerprints and referrers as you go across the internet. I tested MeWe on Linux, Windows 10 and my Android phone and it passed with flying colors. Second, the design of this website reminds me of my affinity for MySpace. Everything is broken down into groups. You can communicate via chat or text through these groups. Your friends will post information related to the conversation you are having. It is a wonderful website that respects your interests but still allows you to dive into new topics and experiences. I am currently a member of 12 groups all related to things that interest me. The website is more politically neutral. The only issue I have seen is that porn and advertising spam sometimes infiltrates the groups. Thankfully, the administrator can drop the hammer and control that content very easily. MeWe is better than Facebook in my opinion. There you go. Enjoy this update. Until next time! |
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