![]() There has been an interesting trend that has circulated through the mass media over the past couple of years. At first, it seemed curious. But as the years have gone by, the number of times that this ‘mistake’ has been made no longer seems like an accident. The media is purposely trying to forget and “disappear” an entire generation. Since the media loves to label everyone into a generational category, the generation impacted would be the 90s slackers immortalized as Generation X. This article came across my computer as a recommendation on Saturday. It was a poll that showed “millennials” were moving to the right politically. Upon looking at the graph, something seemed odd about it. The millennal generation apparently has absorbed the fifteen years of another “unknown” generation. A year ago, USA TODAY published an article that supposedly set the years that define every generation. Generation X was defined as being born between the years 1965-1980. This graph above says nothing about Generation X. It states that this monstrously large 30 year long “millennial” generation is moving politically to the right. If you look at this graph, you will notice that the previously defined Generation X and the oldest millennial cohort (1980-1984) are the age groups moving the fastest rightward. Taking Generation X out of this count and adding in the majority of millennials born after 1985, millennials are not politically right-wing based on the USA TODAY generational definitions. In fact, what this graph actually shows is that the Generation that no longer exists is the one moving to the right. Back in 2019, CBS aired a graphic showing the current generations. Interestingly, the people born between 1965 to 1980 were conspicuously missing. Why? Did the United States go through a generation where no babies were born for 16 years. For the people who have been disappeared, since we no longer exist, do we really have to pay taxes? Counterpunch covered this phenomenon here. The CBS graph is here. David Gergen on CBS wrote a book about the Baby Boomers running the country for the past 30 years (Try 40 plus David). He also seems to have forgotten that there were babies born during a 16-year timeframe from the mid-1960s to 1980. As a millennial formerly known as Generation X, these obviously intentional omissions are hilarious. My friends and I never liked being labeled as lazy, apathetic slackers in the 1980s/1990s. So having been completely forgotten by the media seems like the next inevitable step for our generation. It would be hilarious to just laugh this off and chant “Boomer” under your breath while you pop another craft beer (Another industry created by Generation X). But you can’t help but feel a certain aura of hostility behind this. Remember, the 1990s was the generation of Bill Clinton. In 1993, as the globalists were beginning to consolidate their wealth on Wall Street during the mega-merger 1980s, the health care industry made its first push for universal health care. It was resoundingly rejected by the American population. The creation of the World Wide Web released to the public in 1991 fell apart with greed and ineptitude due to the Tech crash. Not to mention, we were the generation that openly defied large business and wanted the government to just leave us alone and help the poor. We are the generation of small, independent business. But our biggest crime may have been our rejection of popular culture. This led to the music industry, film industry, comic book industry, video game industry, and popular Generation X sports figures playing longer than ever which allowed us to completely take over the culture. The most controversial journalists that question our political system in the present day with incredible insight and research, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Julian Assange, are all Generation X. There was a recent report showing which generations controlled certain aspects of society. The Baby Boomers are economically dominant, politically dominant, and socially dominant. But since the 1990s, they lost control of the culture to Generation X. And 30 years on, our generation is still culturally dominant. Based on Academic Studies done on voting by age group, Generation X seems to lean paleo-conservative and nationalistic. Despite Baby Boomers bragging about being the most-right wing generation, it is not true according to this Academic Study. As part of the "America First" movement which controls part of the Republican Party, most of the politicians running as “America Firsters” are Generation X. Personally, I believe the 1990s was a year where classic American values were being re-established in the United States with a more evolved, open-minded consensus on social issues and politics. I also believe that the wealthy elites were losing control of the nation after putting a generation of work into capturing it. This Generation X cultural revolution which was changing the way people thought about the world did not last longer than a decade. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists and the individualism that was celebrated in the 1990s disappeared into a nationalistic collectivism. We are still dealing with the consequences of this 22 years later. We find ourselves living in an era with increased authoritarianism, corrupt politicians everywhere, broken institutions, and a collectivist “Woke” culture being forced onto the population. American citizen's personal activities are being monitored by technology. The ideals of Generation X are dead. And as a member of the generation that no longer exists, all I can say is “EH!”
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