This question has been nagging me since the COVID-19 lockdowns were initiated in March of 2020. There has been a general malaise among the population; a feeling of hopelessness that permeates our society. What the hell happened to this country almost four years ago? Did we really have a lab created virus released onto the population followed by lockdowns initiated by our public “health” officials that went on so long that it devastated our economy and required government bailouts only to be followed by the largest riots in American history over a questionable death involving a black man and a white officer? While listening to podcasts, you can get a sense that our society has flown off the rails and fallen into a deep pit of insanity. The United States has never been so divided. Reading the news slides you into a pit of despair as globalists with a lot of money and patience are pushing for total control over our lives. The whole charade of this past few years feels evil and with certain people, even supernatural. Are dark forces behind this push for control, the loss of morality in our society, and the chronic division that has broken this nation into two warring political ideologies? I don’t know. But some interesting changes have been occurring with a few public figures that may lead to a greater trend in the near future.
First of all, US citizens who actively participated in a religion or church has dropped below 50% for the first time in American history. The decline really accelerated at the start of the 20th Century when 70% of Americans still identified with a religion. This number has fallen to 47%. What has replaced it? The new technocratic, scientific world (Scientism) has become many people’s new religion of choice (Even if the practitioners don’t define it as such). This new “science” divided the world when the COVID-19 lockdowns began and was accelerated when a genetic vaccine was released onto the population that had a much higher uptake among the believers in science than the followers of religion. But the other interesting political change is watching political alliances change. The world is no longer divide between conservatives (Republicans) and liberals (Democrats) anymore and the sub-categories that exist inside each system. The world has been very strictly divided amongst those who seek freedom (That coalesce around the conservative movement often represented by the imperfect Donald Trump or individuals like RFK Jr. on the political side and Matt Taibbi on the journalistic side) and those who are fully authoritarian (A majority of liberals including almost the entire Democratic Party and the administrative government and intelligence agencies that support them). These rapid changes have led to a strengthening in religious faith which will soon lead to an increase in individuals attending church services. A few public examples that back up this argument. 1) Candace Owens became a practicing Catholic. 2) Naomi Wolf has been reading the 16th Century Geneva Bible, which has made her re-evaluate her own faith and is often considered the best translated version of that ancient text. 3) Rob Schneider is now Catholic. 4) Tucker Carlson has had many spiritual leaders on his podcast recently and admitted that he is questioning his beliefs. 5) Finally, and most shockingly, Russell Brand, ex-drug and sex addict, recently prayed the rosary on his podcast. So what is going on here? First, the people discovering religion have been a strong part of the “resistance” to the tyranny being forced onto us. Many of them have acted in shock and bewilderment as to how rapidly our society has shifted. Even though you can make the argument that these plans to alter our society have been in place for awhile by powerful human beings scheming conspiratorially together, there is a “dark force” and “evil” feel to all of these changes. With the foundations of society fracturing and support mechanisms failing, people have never been so isolated. As a one-time practicing Catholic, the one thing I had the hardest time understanding was “faith.” Even though the morality of the ancient texts is essential in understanding one way to live a good life, the idea of faith in God always disturbed me. Why believe in something that has never been shown to have existed? The COVID-19 lockdowns set me straight. People turn to religion and fantasy when the world no longer makes sense. The scientific and technological world has no morals. It created a division in our society that may never be repaired, and worst of all, it leaves your soul empty. There is nothing in science that can fulfill the need for purpose. THIS IS WHY RELIGION EXISTS. In mythology, the Romans and Greeks who did not understand so many things about the world created Gods like Neptune, King of the Sea, to explain things about the powerful ocean that they don’t understand. Folklores and fairytales exist inside every culture to explain phenomenon that did not make sense for the medieval or ancient minds of the time. Bringing this into the present day, society feels at war with itself and on the brink of collapse. Glaring down such negativity, what is wrong with turning to a source of hope that has guided human beings for millenia? Let me hear your thoughts on this observation. Until next time!
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It is still hard to contemplate what happened to the United States in March of 2020. As a citizen, I have had plenty of issues with my government in the past. But despite these issues, it always felt like my Constitutional freedoms were being protected. When accounting for the 4th Amendment violations brought to the public’s attention by Edward Snowden, the US government and many corporations seemed like an irritating nuisance sitting in the background of the classroom keeping watch but doing nothing. You knew the “government” was watching but you never felt threatened by it. There has never been a moment in my life where I thought the United States would ban or make illegal certain types of political speech or try to control our behavior through coercion. But then, COVID-19 happened. What followed was the first “hard tyrannical” approach enforced on the citizens by the US government (And most governments worldwide) and the acquiescing corporations who went along with the proclamations with very little pushback.
Masks – CHECK Stay Six Feet Away (Enforced in stores and movie theaters) – CHECK Lockdown in Your Home – CHECK Later in the pandemic, Certain Industries were Mandating Vaccines – CHECK Unvaccinated need to get negative PCR Tests – CHECK Need a negative PCR Test to attend social events – CHECK As this was occurring, a thought began to enter my head. Do any of these edict’s work? What is their purpose? As 2021 approached, certain doctors, public figures, politicians, and corporate CEOs began to push back on the public health services that initiated these lockdowns. The first signs of dissent began in May of 2020 during the George Floyd Riots where the public health figures endorsed national protests while earlier in the pandemic, informing us that we needed to stay six feet away from everyone including our neighbors. This protocol was “lightened” and altogether ignored during the BLM riots. As people began to understand the lack of common sense and contradictions, a large movement began to ask questions about all of these mandates and directives. This led to another first in American history; tech and legacy media companies actively censoring information that contradicted the public health/government narrative when individuals began to speak out. There was no one who questioned these contradictions more than Robert Kennedy Jr., the son of assassinated presidential candidate Robert Kennedy. His voice became one of the strongest dissenters against the COVID-19 lockdown madness. RFK Jr. is founder of an organization called CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE. Per the mission statement below: Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. We fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people as well as advocate for worldwide rights to health freedom and bodily autonomy. In 2022, RFK Jr. released the definitive book about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), who became the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the masking regulations, and for creating protocols for the treatment of the disease. Titled The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, the book is over 900 pages with thousands of references going back close to fifty years in a few instances. It is well researched, dense, and informative. After taking six months to focus on its content and slowly coming to terms with the complexities of the inner workings of government agencies, the novel, while quite entertaining, is a horror novel all the way through. You probably believed that Stephen King, Chuck Palahniak, or H.P. Lovecraft wrote some of the scariest words ever published inside a novel. When you get done with RFK Jr.’s 934-page magnum opus, you may reconsider that opinion. One thing you will quickly realize when reading this book. RFK Jr. knows a lot about the health and pharma industries. Chapter 1 is the longest chapter in the book (Clocking in at 230 pages) that examines the failures of the treatment protocol and overall response to COVID-19 when the disease initially broke out. Our hospitals, lacking imagination and craving profits, agreed almost completely with the CDC’s failed protocols. Besides the controversy over ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and the promotion of the dangerous medication known as remdesivir, the protocol failed at treating the disease early (Hospitals only dealt with severe cases that could have been avoided with proper medication), put people onto ventilators which was often a death sentence, and while this was occurring, kept promising a magical vaccine that would neutralize COVID-19. When reading this chapter, you realize how truly incompetent our public health leadership was at the leadership level. Then you get to Chapter 2. When individuals are asked to describe what a villain looks like, most people have a general idea through their own cultural identity, personal beliefs, or ethics about how to describe this type of evil. If this is the case, then Dr. Anthony Fauci is a villain. As the book gets more complex, you can come to a few conclusions based on the facts presented that the only solution to fixing the CDC, FDA, NIAID, and other health organizations is to burn them to the ground and scatter them into history. Fauci and his allies have created a mafia type fiefdom with public money to create medications or vaccines that only have one goal: to line their profits and help improve the bottom line of every pharma, medical, and health insurance company. Safety is not the priority. Finding the magic snake oil that can be marketed to millions of Americans is the real goal. The public money that the Federal Government gives these federal agencies is dispersed in a manner that keeps everyone working inside these programs loyal to their ultimate cause; making themselves wealthy. Have you ever asked yourself this question? Why did people who got HIV and AIDS seem to die so quickly in the 80s and early 90s? But in our present day, they seem to live normal, healthy lives (See Magic Johnson). Well, the answer is AZT (Azidothymidine), one of Dr. Fauci’s “medications,” which absolutely obliterated human immune systems and led to horrible side effects. The medication was toxic. It led to an undeclared genocide against AID patients during the 20th Century and shortened hundreds of thousands of patients’ lives. When the impact of these drugs started coming to the attention of medical professionals with consciences, the same propaganda system we saw during COVID was activated. Dr. Fauci, the media, the pharmaceutical/government/health care complex flooded the airwaves with their pro-AZT propaganda. Doctors were destroyed and had their careers terminated for questioning the medication. No one was allowed to question the “science.” Diving deeper into the book, the factual details continue to get more horrifying. Most vaccines or medications are not properly safety tested before being released onto the market. If this was not enough, Bill Gates gets introduced into the book. Using his tax-free Foundation, Gates has become the most powerful individual in the global health care scene during the 21st Century. Gates promotes vaccines that don’t pass safety trials and then dumps them into Africa (Usually) to inoculate the citizens and children who end up with terrible side effects. Gates uses donations funneled into media outlets to propagandize his actions into a positive narrative. While Gates does this, he admittedly is making billions in taxpayer free money while intimidating governments and global health agencies into forcing countries to buy his questionable products while receiving legal immunity from the consequences. And the worst part of Gates’ actions are located in the final chapter. Gates has been game planning the EXACT GLOBAL GOVERNMENT REACTION to a dangerous viral outbreak that billions experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic during run throughs and trials dating back to 2010 on multiple occurrences. It almost makes one believe that this was all intentional. So what can you take away from this? I recommend this book for two specific and important reasons. 1) Read it to learn how our pharma and medical companies aligned and helped by our government agencies have corrupted this industry beyond repair and may actually be dangerous to our lives depending on the health issue that we are diagnosed with. If this is the best our government can do, then why does any of this exist? 2) The knowledge about how medication works and the different debates over proper treatments and protocols is fascinating to learn about. You quickly realize that the medical industry is not as clearly defined as people may believe. What works for some people may not work for others. There is no silver bullet like a vaccine that can save humanity (Sorry Bill Gates). Humans are complicated and as knowledge continues to be attained, medical treatments will continue to change. Science is not one definitive truth. Science is fluid. Understanding this will prevent you from being suckered by the snake oil salesman like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. If you get the chance, read this book. It will change your life. |
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