One of the most interesting things that has happened since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March of 2020 is the events that have transpired have affected more friendships and changed more allegiances than any other time in my personal history. I listen to podcasts, read articles, and listen to interviews where individuals that questioned the government narrative regarding the Wuhan Lab, vaccine effectiveness, or mask mandates have lost family members and close friends because of their diverging opinions. In my own personal life, there have been some friends that have completely disappointed me regarding these same questions. But there has been no entity that has caused more personal grief over the past 17 months than the media. This personal change has been occurring since Donald Trump took the oath of office back in January of 2017. I always thought my understanding of the media was crystal clear due to my 13 years working inside the television industry. The last five years caused me to re-evaluate these media choices and forced me to discover new voices and gain some insight into the media environment in 2021.
First, let me start with a little history so you can understand my evolution. I grew up in a family that had a liberal slant. My parents were both union retail workers in the 1970s into the 1980s. Going to a Catholic school, I will never forget the poll that my 5th Grade teacher did in class. She asked who was going to vote for Ronald Reagan or Walter Mondale in the 1984 election. My ENTIRE CLASS raised their hand for Reagan. I was the only one who raised my hand for Mondale. Jimmy Carter’s Vice President got as many votes in my class as states that he won on election night. My family always had political leanings. My father was a hardcore Democratic Party supporter and paid close attention to politics. My mom was more flexible. She jumped around on the political spectrum because her father was a proud Republican through most of his life. But she had liberal leanings through most of my childhood. As I aged and became more politically aware in the 1990s, I started out as a leftist with a libertarian edge. During the Bush Jr. presidency, I became an avid reader and film watcher of political entertainers and media journalists like Michael Moore, Eugene Jarecki, Greg Palast, Keith Olbermann, Cenk Uygur, Air America personalities like Rachel Maddow, Al Franken, and Janeane Garofalo, and satirists like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Their opposition to the wars and analysis of the bad economic policies and loss of freedoms coming out of that administration gave me an intellectual foundation to understand the important political issues of the 2000s. But there was always a part of me that lived outside the left-wing liberal world. Justin Raimondo (RIP) showed me a more historically conservative ideology and libertarian edge with his writings on I later discovered left wing and libertarian leaning Glenn Greenwald. I was also a big supporter of the Huffington Post (RIP Good Content on that website). Three events changed my way of thinking about politics and the media over the past decade. 1) The Ron Paul Presidential Campaign of 2008 and 2012 – This decision to support Ron Paul caught most of my friends and liberal allies off guard. Who the hell is this Ron Paul and why are you voting for a Republican? But many of my friends have always failed to understand one important facet of my personality. I have a strong moral sense of right vs. wrong, personal freedom is an incredibly important issue for me, and my opposition to war is absolute and will never change. Only one candidate checked off all these boxes and it was not Barack Obama. Ron Paul introduced me to the world of libertarian and paleo-conservative thought that writer Justin Raimondo often pontificated about. Into my world came Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, Henry Hazlitt, and anarchists like Kevin Carson and the 19th Century thinker Max Stirner. This began my evolution into a different way of thinking about politics and was my introduction to political anarchism. 2) Barack Obama’s Presidency (2009-2017) – Many of the liberals in the media that garnered a great deal of my respect were jettisoned during the Obama presidency. Despite his amazing oratorial skills, Obama really did not do anything to change the status quo. He prosecuted more journalists than any other president in history. He seemed to embrace the concept of government power even when he spoke out against it. He continued the wars and started a couple of more (Libya and Syria). I got disgusted with the liberal defense of Obama when he was engaging in many of the same acts as his predecessor. So I stopped listening to many of these liberal voices. Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann (Through his moving to Current TV, a station I did not have), Cenk Uygur’s YOUNG TURKS, the bankruptcy of Air America (Good riddance), the dumbing down of the Huffington Post, and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. But I gained some journalists during this time like Matt Taibbi and Jeremy Scahill whose writing was top notch and who reated the current president with the skepticism that excellent journalists possess. 3) Donald Trump Presidency (2017-2021) – This is when I realized that the liberal press was officially as crazy and conspiratorial as their conservative counterparts. As flawed as a person as Trump was, almost nothing they said about him ever came true. Russia Gate was garbage. What really surprised me was one of the biggest liberal talking points of the last 20 years being proven completely false. Many ‘liberals’ see the government and corporations aligned on the conservative side of the political aisle. This lie was exposed during the Trump years. The worst billionaires on the planet are all leftists like George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos. The tech industry eliminated the President’s Twitter account permanently. The Trump presidency, which caused a collective liberal meltdown, showed how the liberal politicians are actually the “ESTABLISHMENT” aligned with Big Business. The Trump presidency is also when the best liberal writers who had some semblance of a moral conscience began to see this with their own eyes. After the COVID-19 lockdowns started happening, it was the ‘conservatives’, the anti-science religious zealots, who started gaining my respect for their research and opinions. There were some conservative governors who were actually concerned about protecting individual freedoms while 100% of liberal governors supported freedom destroying lockdowns inside their states. The only side of the political aisle that would entertain multiple perspectives on the COVID related issues was the right. The liberal establishment decided to censor, pressure and attempt to destroy any “lesser human” who questioned their motives. So my media choices have become a cornucopia of voices from all aspects of the political spectrum. I have gravitated towards journalists that question the status quo, the existing power structure, and are skeptical of our police state and military industrial complex. This brings us to Substack. Substack has been a wonderful platform for many independent journalists that were ‘purged’ from their mainstream liberal publications over the past couple of years. Substack has become the hub for independent journalism that thrives on a subscription model. This has allowed these journalists to continue their research and do what mainstream journalists “Should be doing.” Mainly, to research and question aspects of our political climate and culture. Currently on Substack, I subscribe to four writers. All these names should be familiar. Glenn Greenwald: Best journalist in the country for fifteen years running. Has broken some incredible stories. Matt Taibbi: Made his name exposing the corruption that led to the 2008 financial crash. Michael Tracey: Broke away from Cenk Uygur’s insanity because he questioned Russia Gate. Edward Snowden: Exiled whistle blower who has been wonderful at exposing the surveillance tools that the tech industry hides inside their devices. I follow (But do not subscribe to…yet): Caitlin Johnstone: A socialist who focuses on American foreign policy. Quoth the Raven: Libertarian economist who sometimes dives into cultural topics. Alex Berenson: Ex-NEW YORK TIMES liberal journalist who has been one of the most important voices against the COVID 19 lockdowns and vaccines. Of these seven writers, five identify as “liberals” while two are “libertarians” (Snowden and Quoth the Raven). I also support Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s medical organization that questions our medical tyranny called Children’s Health Defense. Other great liberal voices are Tulsi Gabbard who now releases videos on the independent Rumble platform weekly. I also still read the mutualist anarchist Kevin Carson’s website the Center for a Stateless Society. Here are the libertarian journalists that get my attention and this list has increased greatly over the past four years. This is for one simple reason. These people are defending my freedom. I have always leaned towards this political ideology since my teenage years and the lockdowns have made me more radically libertarian. Here are my libertarian recommendations. Ron Paul Liberty Report Lew Rockwell Tom Woods Gold, Goats N Guns The Burning Platform The Free Thought Project The States’ Rights organization The Tenth Amendment Center The Anarco-Capitalist organization The Mises Institute And my favorite source of news, Zerohedge. Onto the conservatives. Even though FOX NEWS is still mostly toxic, there is one individual with conservative leanings that I have always respected. It is not Sean Hannity who is a gigantic idiot or Laura Ingraham whose journalistic style is divisive. It is Tucker Carlson who has been the one person in the mainstream news who is actively questioning the status quo of our country. He has been a light at the end of a very dark mainstream media tunnel. I used to be a huge fan of Chris Hayes on MSNBC but like Cenk Uygur, Trump getting elected fried some circuits in his brain and most of the bullshit he espouses on the network has reached FOX NEWS levels of ridiculousness. Don’t get me started on Rachel Maddow, the 2020s version of FOX’S Bill O’Reilly. I also have been reading Lifesite News, a Catholic website. While I do not agree with their platform on every topic, their reporting on COVID 19 and the ills of the Catholic Church has been top notch. The best satire site on the internet is now the conservative leaning BABYLON BEE, which is my fifth paid subscription. Awaken with JP (J.P. Sears) has evolved into a libertarian conservative and has been making his best content over the past couple of years. I also enjoy the analysis from the comedians The Hodge Twins, who release videos on YouTube and Rumble and like to satirize the idiocy of the mainstream Democrats. Some of the cultural and analytical articles on American Thinker are well written and researched. Finally, even though the website is a little too pro-Trump, the daily publication, THE EPOCH TIMES, has a lot of wonderfully researched and well thought out journalism. I can go on with a few dozen more. My choices have radically changed over the past 18 months because of the pandemic and lockdowns. I recently stopped watching John Oliver because his mainstream comedy bits just lost their edge after the lockdowns hit. These lockdowns have also proven one definitive thing. The journalists who kept their morality and ethics through this tyrannical era deserve my support for their brave and fearless journalism. So why would I not throw some money their way to keep these important voices in the public eye. COVID-19 and the reaction to this “virus” could be the most important issue of our lifetime. It is important to learn from as many perspectives as possible and support the people that are questioning the narrative which is moving us towards a dark authoritarian future. My only wish is that you give some of these journalists a chance and see if this aligns with your own personal opinions. Until next week!
So one of the four vaccines that may possibly work (Or not) got approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration today. The FDA pulled the trigger and approved the 42% effective against the Delta variant Pfizer vaccine. This immediately led to “mandates” being imposed all over the world. From Nevada schools to Canadian banks, to the United States military, the ball has started rolling towards “Coercing” people into taking the vaccine. These mandates also affect me personally. My daughter is facing her own mandate because of the University of California public school system. This despite the fact that the VAERS database shows the updated death toll (Which is likely undercounted by as much as 10 times since most doctors are not even aware of it) as 12,366 deaths, 70,105 serious injuries, and 545,388 reports of adverse events since July 30, 2021. Europe has suffered even more. According to their database tracker EudraVigilance, Europe has had 20.595 deaths and 1.960.607 injuries since July 30, 2021. This number only tracks 27 of the 50 European Countries meaning that this number is probably much higher. Other countries are not even tracking the vaccine numbers. If the world does not wake up soon, these numbers will start reaching “genocidal” tallies.
Based on the paragraph written above, you can probably predict my feelings about these vaccines. Through my own life, I have never been opposed to any vaccines. The ones I got as a child were safe and effective and have given me lifelong immunity against a bunch of dangerous bacteria and viruses. I gave both my children their required amount. The only vaccine I disapproved of was the Gardasil one for my daughter when she became a teenager. Other than this controversial vaccine, the numbers proving that vaccines are a general positive for our society cannot be disproven. Many people think the rise in autism maybe related to our vaccine reliance. But these claims are very difficult to prove. Bringing this into the present day, I have never felt comfortable with any of the COVID-19 vaccines. Here are a few reasons why I will not get this gene therapy.
There is an ancient Chinese proverb “May you live in interesting times.” This is not the Larraine Newman memoir. This proverb has a much deeper philosophical meaning. Every average human life is going to experience an era that tries the best of mankind’s souls. We are very likely entering this era right now. A book that almost no one has read was released by writer Christopher Lasch back in 1996 (He died at 62 years old in 1994) posthumously. On the 25-year anniversary of its release, I think it is a historical artifact that needs to be revisited. Called THE REVOLT OF THE ELITES, Lasch saw that the wealthy in control of the capital and often in charge of governments throughout the world had abandoned their sense of morality and civic value towards society and had transitioned into a collective entity that was more interested in psychological manipulation and the accumulation of power than protecting the historic values of the West. He also discussed how the rich elite had transitioned into a cultural mindset that was more liberal than the average American was at the time. Even if the elites were correct about certain issues (Like gay marriage), their need to control the population was turning them exceedingly dangerous. Here is a quote about this in the book which is the primary thesis, "The elites—those who "control the international flow of money and information, preside over philanthropic foundations and institutions of higher learning, manage the instruments of cultural production and thus the terms of public debate . . . have lost faith in the values, or what remains of them, of the West.” He follows that up with the values treasured by the common man inside the U.S. “The 'masses' have lost interest in revolution and "their political instincts are demonstrably more conservative than those of their self-appointed spokesmen and would-be liberators. It is the working and lower middle classes, after all, that favor limits on abortion, cling to the two-parent family as a source of stability in a turbulent world, resist experiments with 'alternative lifestyles' and harbor deep reservations about . . . ventures in large-scale social engineering" The ‘masses’ have failed to perceive two important things about the wealthy. The wealthy are filled with radicals that want to transform society into a world satisfactory to their needs. If you are not down with their plans, you will be abandoned and left out of this society. See issues like climate change, accumulation of public debt, and social justice issues as three political issues being used to gain control over our lives. The second important thing is that these wealthy people FUCKING HATE US. In the deeper recesses of the internet, there are millions of people that think these vaccines are being used for depopulation. While I have not come around to that viewpoint, I will say that the vaccines are being used as another tool of control over our lives. Plus, when rich billionaires like Bill Gates and many others constantly complain about the “population” problem on the Earth, do you really think it out of the realm of possibility that they would engage in activity to correct this problem? It is time for us to wake up. The people in power do not have your best intentions at heart. ONLINE TECH CENSORSHIP AND THE FALL OF SAIGON...SORRY...KABUL: THE END OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE8/15/2021 As our culture continues to decline at an accelerated rate and my focus has shifted to the COVID lockdowns and the possible mandated Pfizer vaccine that has a 42% rate of immunity as well as my Master’s Degree experience with Critical Race Theory at the university, I have ignored two issues that were my personal obsessions since the September 11th terrorist attacks. Nothing has created more personal political activism than the fight to protect the neutrality and freedom of the internet and fighting against the United States’ foreign adventures against terrorism. Even though I donated money to charities, blogged about these issues on Blogger, and told everyone I knew whether they were concerned or not, these two issues remain important to me going on 20 years. Right now, they remain two of the most important political problems in the United States of 2021. The tech companies are acting like power mad dictators disappearing anyone who does not fit into the “government” narrative. This censorship affects respected doctors, anti-COVID 19 vaccine proponents like RFK Jr., an ex-president, and now an acting Senator. The reason why it is important to differentiate between the conservative argument that only “right wing” voices instead of “anti-government narrative” voices (Which is the correct observation) are being censored is that conservatives are not the only ones to have suffered online censorship even though they have borne the brunt of most of it. Even liberals that stray from the orthodoxy of the United States government narrative have found themselves in the firing line of online removal. This article will not focus on the out-of-control tyrants that run Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Mailchimp, PayPal, Apple, and all the other large technology companies that are currently doing the bidding of our intelligence services and the Democratic Party. This blog is going to look at some of the burgeoning ‘alternatives’ that are stepping outside the mainstream opinion and are actually preserving online freedom. I also want to make a comment on the Afghanistan War that has apparently come to an end today, August 15th, 2021, with a pathetic American defeat and at least 2.2 trillion dollars wasted on absolutely nothing since 2001. I have never trusted the tech companies. This distrust existed even before THE SOCIAL NETWORK came out and revealed Mark Zuckerberg as an uncaring psychopath. I understood the power of “online” media very quickly in how it can amplify the individual voice as well as large vocal minorities. But the idea that the government could take control over this powerful tool of information always existed as a possibility in my mind. Can you imagine the excitement that Stalin or Hitler would have had if the World Wide Web had existed in the 1930s and 1940s while they were consolidating power? The Democrats have openly admitted that they are trying to manipulate the content online for their own personal benefit. Since the tech companies are acting on behalf of our government, it moves their behavior into a Constitutional grey area that neither the Democrats nor the tech oligarchs seem concerned about. My final straw occurred this weekend when Rand Paul was suspended from YouTube for an undisclosed time due to “anti-mask” comments even though he has repeatedly cited medical research explaining that mask mandates have done “NOTHING” to stop the spread of COVID-19. This research can be found here, here and here. It does not matter whether Rand Paul is “correct” in his opinion or not. Science is an ever-changing field that evolves as new ideas are researched, analyzed, and discovered. A new generation of scientists will come along in the future and challenge the orthodoxy of a scientific fact and the world will question why we did it the “incorrect” way for the last half of a Century. Even though YouTube will use a scientific study to legitimize the censorship of the acting Senator, they are choosing to side with a particular viewpoint echoed by our own government and the pharmaceutical companies. This rapid increase in censorship is finally leading to a much-deserved backlash. Many ‘legacy’ journalists are leading a rebellion and have decided to pushback against these tyrannical companies and create legitimate alternatives to these propaganda outlets. In huge news, Glenn Greenwald has abandoned YouTube in favor of the video startup company Rumble. His announcement and the millions that follow him for his inciteful research and hard-hitting journalism is huge for this platform. The news led off Tucker Carlson’s broadcast on Thursday, August 12th. Joining him on Rumble is ex-presidential candidate and anti-war Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, Comedian Bridget Phetasy and many other “anti-establishment” voices. The last time a platform threatened the mainstream tech platforms, it was ripped off the internet through collusion by Apple, Amazon and Google. As Rumble continues to grow exponentially, we are going to find out if history will repeat itself again. Besides Rumble, I think it is imperative to start using alternative websites even if their usability is not on the same level as Apple, Google, or Facebook who scrounge your data to give you a more personalized experience. Here are some options. Rumble or Odysee over YouTube MeWe or Minds over Facebook Any Linux OS over Microsoft Windows 10 or Apple’s iOS and MacOS DuckDuckGo or StartPage over Bing, Google or Yahoo Brave, Firefox or Vivaldi over Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge Jango Radio or Spotify over YouTube Music or Amazon Music Storygraph over Goodreads and Kindle (Both owned by Amazon) There is still not a good third option apart from Android by Google and IOS by Apple for a smartphone OS. The evil Reid Hoffman and the Microsoft owned LinkedIn dominate the professional social networking space. So many alternatives are still needed for complete separation from these companies. Even though I prefer more open-source solutions over proprietary (This is a long topic for another blog), using an independent for-profit company or a large company that rests apart from the tech companies like Spotify is still better than selling your soul to these evil tech oligarchs. The last fucking thing I want to do is pay for another trip to space for Jeff Bezos. This picture is worth more words than I could ever dictate. One of these photos is the desperate evacuation from Vietnam in 1975. The other photo is the U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan today. As I have been preaching to everyone I know since the invasion of Iraq in 2003 which converted me into an anti-war activist, all these Middle Eastern Wars were destined for complete failure. The neo-conservatives that exist amongst the Cheney clan, Bill Kristol and the other warmongers like Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham and the rotting in hell John McCain were always wrong about these wars. These corrupt and evil individuals are now slithering their way into the Democratic Party (Thanks to Obama and Biden). If there was justice, Apple, Google, and Facebook would censor these cowards immediately starting with Dick Cheney’s demon spawn daughter Liz who is serving in the House of Representatives.
There will be more on this topic in the future. I hope everyone has a productive week. Apologies for the week off from the blog. My family went on vacation again for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. I have actually travelled for research, to visit family, or to get away from the stressful culture of Southern California since the pandemic started. But this was the first time that my personal vacation involved my partner and our two children. We decided to take 10 days to see six of the West’s most beautiful National Parks. In order, they were ARCHES, CANYONLANDS, YELLOWSTONE, GRAND TETON, CAPITOL REEF and ZION. Other than the latter which could not be fully enjoyed due to the tremendous amount of people visiting, my family engaged in a deep dive with some of nature’s most beautiful locations. Some of the eventful aspects of the trip: Hiked over 30 miles at six parks including the famous Delicate Arch hike at Arches and many of the short treks to see some of Yellowstone’s most prestigious geysers. Our family swam in multiple rivers in Yellowstone and the Tetons. But the best part of the trip was the disconnecting from the internet and technology over a five-day period. Even though boredom set in for my children at night when there was nothing to do other than (God forbid) talk to their parents), it was a good experience for everyone to separate from the cultural insanity that has enveloped our nation over the past several years. A couple of minor highlights from the trip as well as one observation. I will close this short blog with two articles that were published during my vacation that are fantastic observations on our present-day culture.
My experiences in Utah can be broken down into only two other vacation inside the state. The first one was when I was 9 years old and my family ended up in Boulder (Suburb of Denver), Colorado to see a few members of my father’s family. My dad was born in Boulder in 1946 so it was a trip down memory lane for him. On the way to Colorado, we stopped at Zion National Park and did some sightseeing as well as drive through the famous Zion tunnel that takes motorists to the east entrance of the park. We went to Bryce Canyon National Park, did some hiking, got a little lost, and then spent the night in Panguitch, Utah. The following night was spent in Green River, Utah (More on this place later). The next day, we left Utah and spent the night in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The other trip was a drive through Navajo country and Monument Valley in northeastern Arizona, the Valley of the Gods in Mexican Hat, Utah while stopping over to eat steak in Bluff, Utah on the way to the Four Corners Monument before our final destination in Cortez, Colorado and Mesa Verde National Park. So I have only seen various specific sections of Utah. This trip changed that. Salt Lake City is a monstrous town upon seeing it for the first time. My issue with Salt Lake City is that the vibe of the town does not mash with my cultural sensibilities. I just did not really like the place. But what Utah has in abundance besides hundreds of miles of open space and beautiful environments wrapped around a feeling of isolation is small towns. I was completely charmed by our home base of Moab (Headquarters to Arches and Canyonland NPs), Torrey (Headquarters to Capitol Reef NP), and Park City. Moab is a small little artsy town with wonderful food, a popular downtown, and a beautiful location inside a valley between sandstone cliffs that rise to the west and east. Torrey was the biggest surprise of all. Even though you can see the more rustic aspects of Torrey upon reaching the small town, the area is being renovated by creative individuals who are using the amazing backdrop scenery of Capitol Reef as a selling point. The Red Sands Inn was my favorite hotel on the entire trip. The dinner we had at the Red Rock Inn (Many of the dishes like my choice, The Wild Bunch Mole Turkey, are named after famous spaghetti westerns) was the best dish I had on the entire trip. Park City, the home of the Sundance Film Festival and the 2002 Winter Olympic Alpine Events, is a beautiful and charming mountain resort town. The downtown area feels like a remnant of Generation X 90s culture updated to a more modern aesthetic. Park City is a town of retired wealthy people. But all three of these small towns should be on your lists of places to visit. I can not say the same positive thing about Jackson, Wyoming. Including the nearby Jackson Hole Ski Resort which is popular with wealthy clients as well as being the location where the Federal Reserve sets policy that destroys our country a little bit more every day, Jackson does not have the same feeling as Park City does. Since it rests just south of the Teton Mountains, the views are stunning. The plains below the mountains are green and lush with livestock and Jackson itself has a booming downtown that has been modernized and is hugely popular with tourists. My problem with Jackson is not the beauty. My problem with Jackson is that it feels like a place to exploit the common man out of their cash and pass it along to the billionaires who have multi-million-dollar mansions that litter the plains around the area. It feels fake and exploitative. It does not feel “Western” at all compared to a charming little town like Torrey. Yellowstone was an amazing experience. During our journey, we saw almost every animal you can see in the wild except for bears and wolves. Foxes were prancing around the Tetons. Bison were everywhere in Yellowstone. We saw one lone bald eagle in a tree along the Yellowstone River. We saw a female bighorn sheep climbing the Sliderock in East Zion. We saw Deer climbing down the slopes to drink from the river in North Yellowstone inside Montana. We saw two elk relaxing in a field. We saw a prairie dog paying attention to those elk nearby in a bed of flowers. We saw a baby moose stuck on the side of the road near the Western Yellowstone entrance also in Montana. For a bird enthusiast like myself, I saw Tanagers at Mammoth Hot Springs and a Clark’s Nutcracker eating pine nuts out of a pine cone on a branch just above the Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River. The animal experience was unbelievable. I also almost killed a Marmot late at night trying to get back to our cabin at the Lake Lodge. Thank God for the “Bright” Setting on my car. For my kids, this was definitely the highlight of the entire trip. If you get the opportunity and even if it is for a couple days on the weekend, nothing refreshes your mind like a quick vacation into nature. Nothing makes you feel more relaxed and ready for the corporate grind which will eventually wear you down and force you to take another similar vacation again next year. While I was disconnected from society, I got two emails from a few of my favorite authors on Substack, Edward Snowden and Michael Tracey. Both of these need to be read for their insight into some of our present-day cultural problems. I will have more comments on these two articles later as they tie into a larger idea being researched. This is Edward Snowden’s Second Part to his posts on Propaganda called Apophenia. This is a fantastic read and dives deep into human psychology and how this idea relates to many of the problems we are experiencing today. The other is from an “Anonymous” Corporate Analyst at a Fortune 500 Company who left an incredibly insightful comment to Michael Tracey about vaccine hesitancy, the individuals who succeed in our society, and why individuals at the top feel intellectually and morally superior to the people that they lead (Hint: Intelligence is not the reason these people got ahead). Tracey republished it because of the insight that it provides. Until next week! |
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