My next blog was not going to be on this topic. I wish this blog was a multi-paragraph explanation about the catchiness of the song My Sharona by The Knack. Or an evaluation of the mineral Trona and its importance as sodium carbonate. But instead, I am going to be writing about my ‘Coronavirus’ experience. The fear surrounding this virus has hit a nuclear level. The ability to talk about it rationally disappeared the second our government locked us down for the first time back in March 2020. I will discuss my experience, what I have done to heal myself, and close the discussion out with three pieces of media that need to be experienced. With internet censorship becoming such a gigantic problem as YouTube, Twitter, and other large tech companies buy into the government narrative surrounding the vaccines and COVID-19, I believe it is vitally important to expose these voices to as many people as possible. Keep in mind that as the mRNA inventor Dr. Malone got permanently suspended by Twitter for questioning the vaccines, a person who is an actual murderer, OJ Simpson, has almost 900,000 followers and is thriving on the platform. If this is not a sign of the apocalypse, then I don’t know what will convince you.
Dr. Malone’s interview on Joe Rogan is the first piece of media that should be required listening to everyone interested in the political events of the past 22 months. Props to Spotify for keeping the interview active despite the pressure to remove it (YouTube has already taken it down). Besides the fact that giving this mRNA vaccine to a child should come with a prison sentence (This virus continues to be non-threatening to children), the interview also dives into a topic of fascination for me, Mass Formation Psychosis. Dr. Matthias Desmet studied this issue and concluded that about 20-30% of a population (Intelligence level does not seem to be a signifying factor) will believe a lie or convince themselves that the argument they support is based on a factual reality. When in fact, the personal belief is actually a form of delusion. When this begins to impact the smartest people in a population, this can directly lead into authoritarian systems and tools of oppression that can spin any society down a dark rabbit hole as the lie quickly becomes that society’s own form of ‘truth.’ This type of psychological flaw in the human mind can be exploited by the worst individuals inside any society including dictators or large authoritarian democratic governments. One of my favorite books written by Robert Mackey in the 19th Century, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, dives into the philosophy of this problem. Mackey understands that falling into delusion is easy. The hard part is getting out of the delusion because it can only happen one individual at a time. The second piece of media is Rogan’s interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. Besides his own issues with the mRNA vaccines and their continued usage in children, Dr. McCullough points out another factor that often gets missed. Our medical system does not have an effective treatment protocol for COVID-19. The only treatment is the vaccine or pharmaceutical medications that do not work. Going to non-profit organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors is the only place that actually has a real protocol proven to work. This brings about difficult questions. For instance, could the millions of people that have died from COVID-19 possibly been saved with current drugs and medications? Have we experienced a medical genocide in our time? These are difficult questions that need to be answered. Finally, I have purchased Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book on Dr. Anthony Fauci called The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. The book is a 934-page monster that just destroys every argument that has pushed our way over the past 22 months. The book is incredibly researched and there has been virtually no pushback from Dr. Fauci other than a weak interview he gave insulting Robert F. Kennedy’s character (But disputing nothing about the book). Totalitarianism is coming for us, and it will be at the tip of a needle in the form of a vaccine. My family got sick during the Christmas to New Year’s weekend. Was it COVID-19? Well, my partner Nancy tested positive for the virus and since there is a shortage of PCR tests, the doctor refused to test my children or me because our symptoms were minor. If I did get COVID-19, the sickness was not life altering. As a person who believes that he was originally infected with it back in early 2020 and had lingering effects from that infection for over 9 months (Again, the sickness itself was not bad but the symptoms of a ticklish throat and a sore chest kept coming back every time I had a bad night of sleep), this infection was much easier to deal with. I had a terrible headache for about 36 hours and a stuffy nose with a minor fever (Something I did not get last time). Since my partner tested positive, I immediately went to Americas Frontline Doctors and scheduled a tele-visit. 600 dollars later, I have a prescription for Ivermectin, Azithromycin, two Nasal Sprays for clearing my sinuses and opening up my bronchia, and Benzonatate, which helped with my ticklish throat. Throwing in my liberal usage of Vitamin C, D, Quercetin, Zinc and Aspirin, I knocked COVID-19 on its ass in record time. There are still lingering effects which I am treating (If you have one bad night of sleep, it comes roaring back). But the medication has absolutely worked, and I can feel my body expunging whatever virus I had. These treatments because they are not approved by the FDA must be paid OUT-OF-POCKET. Do not feel ashamed of being seen as a Trump supporter or rejector of science by getting these medications. These medications absolutely worked for me (There are different treatment protocols for various individuals) and have been proven effective with millions of other people (Just ask the countries of India and Japan). Back to blogging about more important cultural topics next week. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about this post.
1 Comment
1/5/2022 09:12:16 pm
The medication absolutely works and people are absolutely killed like our friend Frank Buckley... Who had an underlying heart condition... Believing the guy home with no intervention when his wife was ill made him worse to the point where he had a heart attack probably and died... Instead of giving him those meds they could have saved his life... You know how many stories are like that out there? Your question about genocide it's absolutely a genocide... I will never accept a lame excuse we didn't know...
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