We need to talk about three important things: philosophy, the education system and technology.
In this current political climate, nothing I can tell you will likely sway your personal opinion. We are living in an age of post-structuralism where there is no defined truth, no creators and every experience is perceived through your own personal bias. Here is what Wikipedia says about post-structuralism, “Post-structuralism rejects the structuralist notion that the dominant word in a pair is dependent on its subservient counterpart and instead argues that founding knowledge either on pure experience or on systematic structures is impossible, because history and culture condition the study of underlying structures and these are subject to biases and misinterpretations.” A better definition of post-structuralism to me is deconstruction. While some elements of post-structuralism can be defended like personal perception, applying the philosophy to the entire world is very problematic. Post-structuralism is fatalistic and nihilistic. As a person who is a humanist and rationalist (Or Rational Humanist), I have a more ‘positive’ viewpoint of our world. According to Wikipedia, the definition of humanism is, “a philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. Humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress. It views humans as solely responsible for the promotion and development of individuals and emphasizes a concern for humans in relation to the world.” Rationalism is “the epistemological view that regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge or any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification. More formally, rationalism is defined as a methodology or a theory in which the criterion of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive.” Most importantly though, “rationalists assert that certain rational principles exist in logic, mathematics, ethics, and metaphysics that are so fundamentally true that denying them causes one to fall into contradiction.” I don’t believe in a post-structuralist viewpoint. The reason is that human beings have evolved over thousands of years by building upon basic truths found through discovery, experimentation, and the human experience. No matter what the education system tells me about mathematics being racist, 2.0 + 2.0 = 4.0. Can you get to five by adding the number 2 twice? Absolutely. Mathematics states that adding a decimal to the number two can get you to the number 5. For instance, 2.3 + 2.8 = 5.1. But it is also mathematically impossible to get any combination of 2 + 2 to equal 3. As another example and using societal ethics instead of mathematical logic as a basis for my argument, what country on this planet has not outlawed murder in some form? As citizens of this Earth, we have evolved to understand that taking another person’s life with a malicious intent is a crime that deserves some sort of punishment. These are basic rules that gives everyone an underlying structure to build their own lives. Again, the idea of post-structuralism is valid when it comes to artistic creation. Films, poetry, paintings, music, and any other artistic creation has a meaning that is very personal and objective to the person experiencing it. But outside of the “Arts”, Post-structuralism is extremely dangerous. Marxist websites fundamentally support this idea that was created by French philosopher Michel Foucalt in the 1960s. Understanding this aspect, it puts the motivations of the practitioners of this philosophy into context. Post-structuralists deconstruct society with the motivation of creating their own utopian ideals with the hopes that societies will alter their beliefs in the ways that are acceptable to them. Pivoting to the education system and since personal identity is so important to 21st Century educators, my personal identity is as a Croatian/Polish/English/French/German American seen as “white” who is a firm believer in the political ideology of ethical egoism (With a 21st Century belief system), the religious philosophy of agnosticism with a touch of Buddhist influence and a personal philosophy of rational humanism. Since I am 'white', my opinion on education probably means nothing. But according to documents you can find online, many educators are fully supportive of this post-structural concept as the future of education. But what is this system going to teach these children? How are important institutions relating to government, media, religion, and culture going to function if there is no defined ‘truth’ and every possible issue can be seen as each person's objective reality? This type of world is going to create chaos and insurrection for eternity while making it impossible to educate our children with any integrity, moral structure or a defined state of beliefs that is necessary for any child to find their 'path' through life. So what is the motivation for this push towards this new philosophy? That is the question that is difficult to answer since there is not much evidence to create a conspiratorial viewpoint. But there are a few pieces of evidence that can create a conversation. This is where our conversation diverts into technology. How long have we been told (Since at least the late 1990s) that technology was going to create ‘more opportunities’ for everyone, create ‘more freedom’, and be the tool that eliminates the oppressors from our planet? I have been hearing this nonsense since my daughter was born back in 1998. I never trusted technology. Like any technological evolution, you always have to weigh the good with the bad. So what has technology done as a positive? Well, it has given everyone a voice. This can also be seen as a negative. It has exposed some of the worst individuals on the planet and in one instance (The Arab Spring), it tried unsuccessfully to change an entire political climate. Until recently, the negative aspects of this technological change were actively ignored or dismissed while we allowed these monopolistic swamp creatures to accumulate immense power. The trillion dollar company Alphabet (Better known as Google) was partially created with CIA money. This has been known for decades. Why did anyone not think that surveillance and censorship were going to be the result of that partnership? The New York Post just exposed that many of the people who monitor Google for hate speech are Chinese Nationals who do not have the tradition of free speech that the United States has had. Since this post jumped around to so many topics, you are probably asking yourself, “ExpertofSome, how are you going to write yourself out of this mess?” I don’t really have that intention. I can just try to put a few of these puzzle pieces together but there is no hard evidence for the basis of my belief. If I add in my own blog from a few months back on the World Economic Forum’s attempt at global governance called The Great Reset, you can start linking together some of these ideas. Whether through a cultural philosophical change, a push to control our politics through censorship and outright blacklisting of stories, a social revolution like Black Lives Matter, a philosophical change in our education system, and what appears to be possible outside foreign influence on our country’s politics, there is an attempt being made to fundamentally alter our society. There are entities with power and money that are trying to impact and influence the United States by attacking our shared historical and cultural past. Tying back to my philosophical argument from the beginning of this post and linking it with these findings, post-structuralism cannot work as a structural philosophy. But if you need a philosophy to sow confusion and doubt about all of our institutions which can lead to revolutionary change of a system that you are opposed to; post-structuralism is the one. This philosophy was never about creating more ‘freedom’ and ‘diversity of thought’ as the media and our education system continue to tell us. This is about submitting to a new power structure that the globalists with the help of the Chinese want to enforce on the entire world. I believe this because the exact instance that the people who want control feel comfortable enough to exert their power, these philosophical and social revolutionary tools will disappear and be replaced by the propaganda tools that they will forcibly impose on us. Corporations have bought into this new world. Hence the censorship of stories that are 'inconvenient' to the narrative they want to promote. They have decided collectively that the economic system of the world needs to be based on the present day Chinese one. So they are going to do their best to attempt to enforce that system here domestically. We need to wake up to what is occurring or being censored for your pro-Trump post is going to be the least of your problems. **FINAL NOTE**: I have posted a lot of anti-Chinese articles here. I want to make myself clear. I oppose any trade or military war with China. But we need to understand that in our past quest for peace with China and opening up our economic system to them, they were not the honest brokers they appear to have been. Our country has been severely weakened economically because of our relationship with China through the loss of millions of jobs, trillions in economic activity and industrial espionage where the FBI director openly admits that this is leading to the destruction of ‘free’ societies. But we have no one to blame but ourselves in our pursuit of cheap electronics and clothing and the continual election of politicians who allowed the fleecing of our country to happen.
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