C’mon Expert of Some! Why would you use the opening song off Depeche Mode’s VIOLATOR album to title your new blog? Everyone is waiting for the Final Part of your elaborately boring statistical series of posts on sports. Well, creativity and inspiration come from many unlikely sources. While driving home from seeing THE BATMAN (More on this later), the Depeche Mode song WORLD IN MY EYES popped on the radio. This song came out during my sophomore year in high school. While I am not a huge Depeche Mode fan, there were two things I took away from this album after buying it. First, the lyrics of their songs is the true highlight of their musical output. The more famous songs from this album, PERSONAL JESUS, THE POLICY OF TRUTH, and ENJOY THE SILENCE are catchy, danceable tunes but the lyrics are what makes each of them memorable. Second, going to a Depeche Mode concert (As I did with a date in 1992) was an incredible experience. Not because of the music, oh no! Because to this day, I have never been to a concert that had more beautiful women in attendance. It made me quickly realize that being a Depeche Mode fan was never going to be boring for my rapidly developing dating life.
The lyrics to this song remain my favorite. Art is always an experience that is highly personal to the individual. But the WORLD IN MY EYES is fantastic in its subtlety. Here are the lyrics. Reading people’s perception of these lyrics, the majority see this as an allegory for sex and romanticism. Most people see the song in a positive light. But I have a different opinion about this conclusion because of the chorus. My perception of the song is about a man trying to impress a girl through his own ego and arrogance with the final goal of having sex with her. But in reality, he is nothing but a smooth-talking con man. These lyrics at the beginning prove this point. Let me take you on a trip Around the world and back And you won't have to move, you just sit still Now let your mind do the walking And let my body do the talking But the chorus hits you with the twist. That's all there is Nothing more than you can feel now That's all there is Once you cut through all the bullshit, there is nothing impressive about the individual being sung about. They misled, misinformed, and misguided this person into making love with them. This individual is nothing more than an egoist with an inflated self-esteem just looking for their next conquest. So why am I bringing this up and what did this song trigger in my brain? With the bombardment of information that pounds us over our heads at record speed, this song could be used as a symbol to describe many of our current so-called leaders and politicians. Has there even been a group of people filled with more self-righteousness and delusions of grandeur than the individuals we have chosen by an election to lead us (As an additional tidbit, add the career bureaucrats appointed by these elected politicians into this charade). How many promises have been made over the past forty years that led to nothing but ultimate disappointment? Is there anything special about any of them? Are they actually stupid? Maybe, That’s all there is Recently, the “doctor” in charge of the CDC admitted via an interview that the hope for the vaccines was based on a false optimism. Despite the fact that millions of people around the world who did their research and were skeptical of these vaccines were fired and disappeared from society. The fact that the promotion of these vaccines was the largest propaganda operation of my lifetime. The fact that the CDC director went along on “faith” with these vaccines should be a criminal offense. A vaccine requires years of testing, trials, and research before they get approved for human consumption. None of these things happened. Here is her incredibly stupid statement taken from this website. I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95 percent effective, the vaccine. So many of us wanted to be hopeful, so many of us wanted to say, okay, this is our ticket out, right, now we’re done. So I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do. I think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said waning, when you know, oh this vaccine’s going to work. Oh well, maybe it’ll work – (laughs) it’ll wear off. Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as potent against the next variant. In a normal world, this woman would be dismissed from proper society. So why have we been lionizing this woman as a hero? A person who believed the effectiveness of a vaccine based on “her faith” in a corporation, a truly scientific concept. As Depeche Mode’s example tells us, That’s all there is Since the vaccines were introduced, there has been an increase in life insurance claims by 37.7% over the 2nd Quarter of 2021 according to some insurance companies. This is an increase over the period of time since the 2nd Quarter of 2020 when the virus was raging around the world and there was no “vaccine.” Read this here. Also, the Bayer CEO spoke recently via an interview and admitted that these vaccines were never actually ‘vaccines’, but gene therapy shots that can alter your DNA permanently. Read here. Finally, I have had a realization about a political issue that deserves ridicule. That would be the debate about climate change. Here is the problem when discussing an issue that is so controversial. I am a CONSERVATIONIST. I want to preserve and protect as much of nature as possible. But I am NOT a believer in GREEN ENERGY or CLIMATE CHANGE. For a little background, since working in television operation and engineering from 2002 to 2014, I had to change my career upon returning to California. I have become a certified utility design engineer through years of hard work and a slight three yearlong diversion of working at a tech company as a Linux technician. This experience has made me aware of what a fucking joke the green energy movement really is. Just ask Californians in 2020. Or Texans last winter about how effective green energy can be in a time of crisis (Even though this was more likely due to the lack of winterization of the delivery mechanisms. But freezing windmills did not help either). I have recommended PLANET OF THE HUMANS before. I recommend it to everyone because of its importance. This movie was actually blacklisted by Hollywood due to its subject matter and can only be watched on this website despite Michael Moore producing the film (Yes, he is anti-green energy also). Even Elon Musk TODAY has come out in support of more oil and gas drilling as well as re-commissioning and re-opening nuclear power plants. Because even he is starting to realize that a grid run on 100% green energy will never be a stable solution. First, wind, solar and volcanic power are intermittent energy producers. Storing the energy after production is an incredible business expense that will inevitably hit every consumer’s wallets. Most of the power generated by clean energy usually goes directly into the grid. This is what led to the California blackouts. The amount of energy needed was deficient to the demands being put on the state because of a heat wave. So the state had to call for rolling blackouts. Second, the biggest con of all is that the solar panels, the beloved Tesla vehicle, and the windmill turbines and almost every other tool and device needed to generate power needs some form of fuel to create the product. Solar panels are not just built from healthy, thriving plants. They are created through a complex industrial process. When the solar panels need to be replaced, they create an environmental hazard if not properly disposed. So the cost benefit analysis of this equipment seems very high (Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of birds sliced to pieces by windmill turbines every year). Finally, if you are serious about saving the earth, then you need to put away your technological devices. Your phones, tablets, and PCs that help keep the world economy afloat are the biggest polluting devices of all. Crypto currency, which the environmental-loving youth worship, is one of the largest polluters of energy. Lathanides need to be dug out of the ground to help create these devices. In fact, the United States only has one “Rare Metal” mine and it is in a familiar place for anyone who has done the drive-up Interstate 15 from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Mountain Pass, the almost 5000-foot peak that resides on the Nevada border, has the only functioning ‘rare earth’ mine in the United States. Because of incredibly stupid California environmentalists who shut the mine down in the 2000s for alleged pollution related problems, Depeche Mode says; That’s all there is The mine was recently re-opened after the Chinese bought the land. My favorite energy bloggers, Doomberg, have a fantastic article about this mine. If you are really concerned about the security of the United States, you will demand that this useless government find a way to purchase this mine off the Chinese because of its geo-strategic importance in mining the vital minerals needed for our technological economy. I mean honestly, how is the government going to spy on us if all our devices don’t have the proper lathanides needed for them to work? That’s all there is Recently, our California governor issued an executive order to begin the phase-out of gas-powered cars by 2035. Do you know what needs to happen for this to occur? For every car to charge in the evening is going to REQUIRE A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF POWER GENERATION. How and where is California going to get this energy? Our last nuclear power plant, Diablo Canyon, is due to be shuttered in 2025. Wind and solar are not going to be able to handle the increased load. So there is likely only two possible solutions. Either coal and natural gas will begin a massive comeback in the golden state which will put the final nail into this idiotic green energy movement or Diablo Canyon, its sister nuclear plant San Onofre (RIP), and many other new nuclear plants will need to be built or re-opened post-haste. California is looking at an energy crisis in their near future that will likely devastate the state for generations to come if they continue down this insane path towards 100% clean energy. Because when it comes to good intentions, That’s all there is there really is no one dumber than a California liberal environmentalist. We need to stop treating politicians, CEOs, and other "leaders" with so much respect unless it is rightfully deserved. The majority of these individuals above are exactly like the con artist represented in the Depeche Mode song. They offer you nothing despite talking up a good game. Because if we continue to follow these individuals blindly, That’s all there is
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