I want to lead with a couple of thoughts and a link. This is a Wikipedia link, but it gives a nice breakdown on the history of humans and the different time periods broken down politically, culturally, and technologically. Remembering just the basics of history, you can summarize all of human history into just a few categories.
PreHistory – The period that lasts between the first appearance of the scientific animal known as Homo Sapiens who often lived as hunter/gatherers to the invention of the first writing systems. This lasted approximately three million years and the actual time of this period is unknown. Ancient History - Human beings began organizing into groups and complex political systems. Religion becomes part of many cultures’ daily lives. This was when the first empires mostly based in Mesopotamia and Egypt came into existence. There was also a dynasty that existed in the area around China. Classic Antiquity – This is the epitome of human evolution at the time as many ideas from this era still exist today. This era was mainly linked to the Greek and Roman Empires and their inventions. Post-Classical History – Often remembered for the empires that collapsed, the Hans in China, the Romans, the Guptas in India, and the Persians. Middle Ages – A long 1000-year timeframe of monarchies and regressive political systems ruled by kings, the lords who influenced them, as well serfs and merchants who were considered lower class people. This period started with the rise of Christianity and Islam and ended with the Renaissance. Renaissance and Age of Discovery – The human race evolves again as it spreads out to previously undiscovered territories and human beings increase in wisdom and knowledge due to printing presses. The Era of Democracy – Our present-day era. This timeframe led to incredible technological innovations, new political systems, and new philosophies. The idea of monarchy, feudalism, and imperial colonization began to die at the end of this timeframe. Human beings began to practice the philosophical ideas of democracy invented by the Greeks during the Classic Antiquity. When observing how history moved from the Renaissance to the Era of Democracy, two significant events occurred: The American Revolution and the French Revolution between 1775 and 1799. During this time, another new entity was created, the democratic nation state. Until these revolutions, borders were just something that Kings and Queens fought over for thousands of years usually at the request of the land-owning lords and the Church. Throughout early history, humans were warlike looking to capture as much land and rule as many people as possible. After the people rose up and executed the French monarchy and began the first steps of creating a republican experiment like their allies did across the Atlantic, the French ultimately failed in changing their culture. Early parliamentarian politics was unpopular and was dissolved, and Napoleon soon took over as the first dictator in 1799 leading us into a new type of warfare as well as being able to control the population in ways that were previously unimaginable like instituting military drafts. Soon, Napoleon launched the first Continental War with the Napoleonic Wars which evolved out of the French Revolutionary Wars of the 1790s. Napoleon became the first figure to control a large majority of Europe until his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. The impact of this era affected Europe for generations due to the collapse of multiple empires and many of the innovations brought about by the French culturally and politically that still have a lasting impact on the continent today. This era of democracy led to technological innovations best symbolized by three different eras: The Industrial Age, the Nuclear Age, and the Internet Age. These inventions led to freedoms previously unimagined. It also led to control mechanisms that every aspiring dictator craved. Different political systems were invented including capitalism, socialism, and anarchism. With the rise of the “democratic state”, jingoism/nationalism became a dominant philosophy and the consequences of this led directly into World War I and II with Adolf Hitler becoming the second dictator (Fuhrer) to take over the majority of Europe in the 1930s to mid-1940s basing his ideas around a fascist authoritarian ideology. On the opposite side of this ideology, Mao Zedong in China and Josef Stalin in the Soviet Union were pushing an authoritarian state Communist based model that killed millions of their own people during its implementation. But the main takeaway from this Democratic era was the rise of the nation state. Since the year 2020, the Western philosophy of freedom represented by democratic republicanism has begun to decline. A new philosophy appears to be taking hold that happens to be based around the current political situation in China. The old system of the Middle Ages (Lords, Merchants, and Serfs) called feudalism had become a relic of the past. But the ideas of this past have never actually gone away. During the Napoleonic Wars, one European family made a fortune. This one bet on the war has led to a parallel development during this Age of Democracy. Wealthy individuals have learned over the past 200 years that making money through invention and being a successful businessman/merchant was no longer necessary. Real wealth was working with the nation state. This development has led to consolidated wealth among a small group of people that has never been seen in human history. With this development came the narcissistic need to control these governments and the people within the borders. Globalism was the idea. But that idea only worked at an economic level. As people have begun to wake up to these systems that their governments and elitists have created for them, the people in power are starting to lose control. So what is the point you are trying to make with this long thousand word explanation? It appears we are entering one of these transitory periods of history after the Age of Democracy. Right now, the elitists are fighting to impose their own visions upon the world. But the people they want to psychologically and mentally control are beginning to unshackle their minds. No one knows how this will end. But it will be transforming. Over the next year, I will be posting various blogs related to this topic. If anyone has any ideas for a specific subject matter, please let me know. I hope you enjoyed this short historical summary.
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